Sunday 13 August 2023

Among the pink confetti flowers


Last year, we visited the confetti flower fields. I have loved visiting here over the years and capturing magic with the girls. It was so wonderful to have my best friend there to share it with that year and for her to help me in creating some of these images. 

We didn't get to visit this year as we had a family event on the weekend it was open but I have a new desktop set up and when I set it up, all my onedrive images appeared which I thought I had lost from my broken laptop and here were the photographs that I took! I was so happy so I wanted to share them here as I loved that day and that adventure so much.

Next year is a must to visit! It is in Pershore if you are in England and opens for one week in June/July. I am hoping to offer photography sessions there next year!

I hope you enjoy these images. You can see our previous adventures here and here



  1. Your photos are getting better and better, this is my favourite so far of the Confetti field blogs, absolutely stunning 😍

    1. Thank you so much! I love these ones too! x

  2. I also love the confetti fields, sadly didn’t manage to get there this year. I love taking photos of all the people dressed up in beautiful clothes. Hopefully get there next year



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