Monday 18 February 2019

In the glasshouses

When I started this blog, it was all about documenting moments. Our adventures and days out and I still love to do that. These are my favourite type of posts. These are the sort of posts that I post so the girls and I can look back and remember. I love to remember everything about an adventure and sometimes say dream about adventures over the years. I remember the car ride, the music, the conversations and I love having the photographs I took to remind me. They may not be the posts that others love to read, but these are the most important to me.

Cambridge botanical gardens. Gosh, it was busy! I had another plan for yesterday but when I checked the opening hours of the palace I wanted to take the girls to, I realised that it didn't open until the summer so I had a quick panic check on my adventure "to do" list and just picked the botanical gardens and then had a new national trust place nearby as a back up or an after adventure. We packed up some snacks, put on spotify and drove to the city. I hate driving in cities but we managed to find a car park right by. The gardens were beautiful. The glasshouses even more so! But they were just so busy. It was a really lovely and sunny day yesterday and I feel everyone came for the snowdrops! I managed to take a few photographs without others around but this place is on our list again to visit in the spring or summer. We then decided to head to Anglesey Abbey as it is one of the only National Trust places nearby that has it's house open. I was so excited to go in the house but when we got there, again, it felt like the whole of Cambridgeshire was there! We decided to head to the house first to get away from the crowds at the snowdrops but as we got there, a few ambulances pulled up as someone had had an accident inside. They told us they were shutting the house for the rest of the day. We decided to just go home as I was starting to feel a little overwhelmed by the amount of people there and the paths were very narrow so it was a very slow walk around the garden as you followed the crowd. We like to go off path and find secret parts of the gardens but it just felt so crowded so we decided to pick up some dinner on the way home. I am excited to do this adventure again though. The botanical gardens and the Abbey have been on my list for a long time so next time we will go prepared for crowds and I shall have a little more patience!


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