Tuesday 19 February 2019

The camellia house

The camellia house. A little bit of a drive but just look how beautiful!

The day didn't really go to plan but I am embracing what I did get out of it. This week's adventures actually haven't gone to plan at all! I am hoping tomorrow's will go smoothly.

We started the day dancing around the house, putting on our dresses and ribbons in our hair and then drove two hours to see this camellia house. I didn't realise there was a bar that stops you going in and walking around and I had some photographs planned for a brand shoot but i completely understand that they need protected and I just took a deep breath from the disappointment and got some photographs on my phone. The girls knew I was a bit sad and gave me a cuddle. They were so good all day. A long drive there and then a long drive back but we stopped for ice cream on the way home and we sang really loudly to music too.

I am so pleased with this photographs. I will just have to wait for the camellia to bloom in the orangery for the shots I wanted to get!




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