Wednesday 2 January 2019

The ghost of Christmas past

On Christmas Eve, we always watch the Muppets Christmas Carol. It is a version of the scrooge story but, because that is the version I have always watched, it is the version that the girls watch and love. The ghost of Christmas past is a little girl with long ginger hair and a floaty dress. Elle always tells me that it is her.

We decided to go to the orangery and gardens on new years eve and Elle asked to wear her long, lace dress because she wanted to be the ghost of Christmas past. Who was I to say no. It was magical watching her run through the orangery and through the gardens while her dress floated around her. I just had to share these photographs. The orangery is our favourite place and I just love capturing the girls in there.


  1. Please tell Elle that she was just *wonderful* as the Ghost of Christmas Past! You are so blessed to have the orangery...such a gracious place...and it is blessed to have such a delightful Christmas ghost. :-) Do your girls study ballet? They have beautiful long-limbed dancer-like grace in their movements. What a lovely nostalgic twirl in the black-and-white photo. Most ghosts go unseen, you know. I'm so glad that you were able to capture this elusive one on camera for us. :-) And the one of them from the back looking at the fountain pool made me cry out inside, "Why don't I have any romantic clothing like that?!?" All blessings for 2019 to all of you...



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