Monday 14 May 2018

In the wood garden with Woodpecker

Adventures. We are always happiest when we are exploring gardens, forests and meadows. Carrying baskets full of twine and flower presses and botanical books. Little bags with water colour paints, brushes and sketch books. Running through flowers with our vintage dresses and straw hats. Sitting on little fallen branches so quietly, waiting for a deer or fox to wander by. Camera in hand and heart beating a million times a minute. Blossom petals stuck in our hair and hands holding little posies.

Woodpecker flooring recently asked me to share our favourite walk with them. I couldn't think of a better place to go than to our favourite wood garden. Being amongst the magnolia, camellia and blossom trees. Listening to the stream running past the scilla and bluebells. Nightingales and blackbirds singing above our heads and pheasants calling out in the nearby fields. I couldn't wait to be amongst the trees with the girls, my wonderful husband and my camera.

I captured a little creative film on our adventure and I used an old film manual lens with an adapter to shoot. I love the dreamy effect it gives and it was so much fun playing around with focus and light. It is completely manually focused so I was able to really capture some beautiful moments in the flowers. The girls took a flower press, made daisy chains, read about the flowers they found in a botanical book, played pooh sticks along the stream and they laughed so hard as their daddy played chase with them. To me, this is what a childhood should be. Exploring nature, learning about nature and being amongst nature. It is so important to me that the girls grow up with a love and understanding about the natural world. I want to create beautiful memories for them and to help bloom their love of the world.

As well as being in love with the natural world, I love to find ethical brands and brands that care about nature also. Woodpecker flooring's wood has either Forest Stewardship Council or Programme for the Endorsement of Forests certificates. They make it their responsibility to source their timber with care and their goal is to ensure that forests can meet the needs of the present generation without compromising those of the future. Nature inspires them and nature inspires me! Woodpecker Floorings collections are named after beautiful British places and their designs are inspired by the wonderful shades and textures found in the natural outdoors. All their floors carry a 25 year warranty. They are confident in the strength and durability in their floors and make sure they carefully select, saw, stack and dry all their trees and timber to provide the best flooring to their customers.

All of our downstairs is natural wood flooring as well as both girls bedrooms and i have been asking my husband for the last few years if we can take up the carpet in our bedroom so I can have wooden floors in there too! Not only does it make our home feel more cosy, it is great for clearing up after two children, one dog who like to malt everywhere and two cats! Downstairs, it is so easy to just sweep and wash the floors but i really really do not like having to scrub and clean carpet! He actually said yes the other day so I have been looking at samples and seeing what colour I would love to go for! Having wooden floors makes me feel like we have a little bit of the outdoors inside with us. It reminds me of our wonderful adventures and brings make lovely memories of those adventures we have outdoors. 

                                                             Berkely Cottage Oak

I really hope you enjoy this little film of mine. I loved putting it together and for a brand to completely understand my passion and embrace my creative style has been a dream! You can explore Woodpecker's naturally inspire wood floors here.


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