Tuesday 3 April 2018

A snowdrop garden adventure

I haven't updated this little blog in nearly a month! Not because I haven't wanted to or had anything to write about but I have just had a very busy time and then the last week, I have been struck down with the norovirus. It is now the Easter holidays and I have lots planned for my little blog!

A few weeks ago, it was mothers day! All i wanted to do was go on an adventure to the wood garden to be among the snowdrops. We took my mother in law also and just had a lovely afternoon walk. It is my favourite garden and i am already planning more adventures there! The weather was warm and it was just a peaceful walk.

For my mothers day gift, Gilles found me an old vintage writing bereau. I have wanted one for ages and it is beyond perfect! I feel like Beatrix Potter sitting there and i am actually sitting at it now to do my blog! I have so many little treasures in it and it is my favourite place to sit now!

I am feeling so inspired to write more children's stories and this is the most perfect place now to sit and do that!

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