Sunday 4 March 2018

Dreamy water falls

Being amongst the mountains and waterfalls is where I am happy. When ever we book a holiday, I always make sure there are waterfalls close by to adventure to. Last year, we went to Wales and drove through the Cambrian Mountains and found so many beautiful waterfalls at the top. The year before, Gilles and I went to the Lake District and we also went to Snowdonia. We drove around with directions scribbled on pieces of paper to lakes and waterfalls and found the most amazing places.

As we drove to the Lake District, Gilles and I talked about the places that we would love to go. We talked about wanting to see the Northern lights and going back to where we honeymooned and we talked about places that we have never been before. I would love to visit America and stay in a Costa Rica beach house or drive along the route 66!

Driving to Wales last year, we got to half an hour away from where we were staying when we drove straight past the most perfect waterfall! I squealed and nearly cried happy tears and then quickly noted down the name of where we were so that we could visit on the way home. A week later, I was standing next to an old mill, watching the water fall down into the stream below. I sat on a rock while the girls explored with their Daddy and I just felt so calm and happy.

In June, Gilles and I have booked a little weekend away to the Peak District to find waterfalls and sit on top of hills, just the two of us. It will be our 11 year wedding anniversary and I couldn't think of a better way that I would love to celebrate.

As the girls get older, we have been thinking about travelling abroad. We haven't ever taken them abroad. I have been thinking alot about this because it is the unknown. I am so content with being around mountains, waterfalls and coves that I know and I am so unsure about what other places could offer these things that I love so dearly. I have started to have a little look around at different countries that could offer that enchanting feel to them. That could offer something for me as well as the girls. My husband loves architecture, so that is important too and the girls would just be happy by a beach!

One of these places I have found is Costa Rica. Oh, what a wonderful place with so many beautiful falls! I have always dreamed of going to Central America and I didn't realise how magical and enchanting Costa Rica really was until I set out researching. The idea of being able to swim in a cove with a waterfall cascading into it is like nothing else! The waters in the UK are just so cold and I would never be able to really fulfil that dream here.

I wanted to share some of the beautiful falls that I have been reading about and lusting over pictures of. Dreaming and imagining swimming and walking behind them:

Catarata del Toro - This unique waterfall is in Bajos del Toro and the falls cascade into a volcanic crater! It is 300ft and one of Costa Rica's largest and lesser known waterfalls.

Montezuma Falls - This is one of the falls that I have been imagining swimming in. Hidden in a Jungle in Montezuma, there are three waterfalls in total. You can even jump from the first one! That is on my bucket list!

La Fortuna - The La Fortuna waterfall is based within the Arenal Volcano National Park. This is another waterfall where you can swim in the pool below. This waterfall is one of the popular falls in Costa Rica.

La Paz Waterfall Gardens - These gardens are located on the slopes of the Poas Volcano. The gardens have five waterfalls! As well as waterfalls, the gardens have the largest butterfly observatory in the world as well as frog ponds, humming bird gardens and a trout lake. I would so love to go here and take the girls! I couldn't imagine a more peaceful garden to visit.

Nauyaca Waterfalls - These falls are based in the south and have a natural pool to swim in at the bottom. They look so beautiful and you can access these falls on horseback!

Celeste Waterfall - This fall is based in the Tenorio Volcano National Park. The fresh water Celeste river has a baby blue and teal colour due to the sulfur and calcium carbonate. The fall itself looks white but once or twice a year, it glows blue!

Savegre Waterfall - This is the waterfall that I would love to visit the most. The trail to get to the fall takes you through hills of wild flowers and cloud forests and has an amazing 100ft drop! Wild flowers and waterfalls! It is the most perfect combination!

These are really just only some of the amazing falls in Costa Rica. I have them all written down in my adventure notebook where I write the adventures that I want to do at some point in my life. I would love to do this as a family and I know the girls would be just as excited as me for these falls! I think Gilles would secretly love them too, especially if he got to swim!

If you could pick a place that you would so love to visit, where would you go? My list is just getting longer and longer and I cannot wait for all of these adventures!



  1. So beautiful places. So beautiful photos.
    I live near by Cabreia waterfall. It is one of the most beautiful of my country - Portugal.
    Kind regards

  2. Lindas imagens. A Natureza é linda. Feliz semana. Cumprimentos.



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