Tuesday 9 May 2017

The cow parsley

Every year near my house, there is a meadow that blooms in the most wonderful cow parsley. I wait for it all year and last week, i had a little plan to go and do some self portraits there but i had a spontaneous visit from my best friend so we went with the girls and did some quick photographs.

The sun was just peeking out under a cloud at golden hour and gave the most gorgeous, magical light across the meadow. I was waiting for the sun to come out and flood the cow parsley but i didn't quite make it out. I still love the photographs i got though. I want to go back as both girls were very tearful. It was late on a friday evening and they were so tired from a busy week at school so i don't really blame them!

That night, i had a dream about the cows parsley meadow and the girls in it. I dreamt out one of my mini creative movie ideas in my head and i had to quickly write down the ideas when i woke up! I am already looking forward to heading back to shoot some more and to gather lots in my basket to put around the house!

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