Wednesday 4 January 2017

First January adventure

Yesterday, we had our first forest adventure of the year. We headed to our favourite pine forest. We were supposed to come here on Christmas eve for our little tradition that we wanted to start but Mia woke on Christmas eve thinking it was Christmas day and, so, she spent most of that day bursting into tears and she was very emotional so i decided to just take them for a little walk around our local abbey by our house instead of driving out to the pine forest. We were then going to head here on New years day but Gilles woke up with the flu and is still sick so i spent the day looking after him. Yesterday, i decided to take the girls out and i am so glad i did. We love it here and it is right opposite a lovely garden centre which we love to go and walk around too!

I asked the girls if i could have some photograph taken with them and if each other them could take it in turns in doing some photographs. It is a big goal of mine this year to be in more photographs with them and to be in front of the camera more. I nearly nearly plucked up the courage to ask a passing dog walker to take a picture of all three of us but i couldn't and i know that we will come back here in the next week or so with Gilles so he can take some nice ones of us and i can take some of him and the girls.

These are all just phone pictures. I wanted to do a mini film but i came out without my memory card so, next time we go, i will be making a little film of our adventures. I feel that this is the start of many many forest adventures this year. It is one of our favourite things to do!


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