Monday 28 November 2016

The Christmas tree farm

On Saturday, we went to a local Christmas tree farm to pick our tree. We would have waited for the week after, but Gilles is away for a week from next Friday so we wanted to get our little adventure in before he went away. We also took along my mother in law which was lovely for the girls and for her to share that day with them and us.

The weather was lovely. The sun kept going in and out which meant for some wonderful sunlit photos as well. When ever i catch a rainbow in a photograph, the girls think it means that there is a fairy next to them. I kept telling Elle that i could see the fairies flying around her as i could see through the lens that the rainbow flare was there. I then get so excited to see their faces when i show them the back of the camera and they can really see that the fairies were with them!

The afternoon was just lovely. My mother in law picked a tree too so we had two trees tied to our car roof all the way home. I took the job of choosing our tree very seriously. I walked around all the tree's and i felt a little defeated as i walked back to Gilles and his mum because i just hadn't found the one. They were having a chat in the middle of the trees and the tree right next to them was it. Our perfect tree! I stood guard as Gilles went to get the man to cut it down.

I love these day so much. I have waited since July for this day after following the farms facebook and instagram account and seeing the tree's over the seasons. I was far too excited to get there and i want to go back again before the end of December to pick up some logs and to just have a walk through the tree's again. It really is a wonderful place and got us all in the Christmas spirit. We put the tree straight up and decorated it. We did have one tiny mishap where the tree fell down on top of us as we were trying to decorate it as i hadn't made a big enough hole in the mud in our pot but all was saved and our tree is the best one to date, i am sure! We all agree.

You can see our other Christmas tree farm adventures here and here.



  1. the weather was fab over the weekend wasn't it? I am so excited for Christmas but doing our decs on the 1st (it's my son't birthday so we've made a bit of a tradition out of doing it on his birthday)

    1. It really was. How lovely!! Such a wonderful tradition. Have fun lovely x

  2. I love your photographs. They are just beautiful xxx

  3. Your photos just make me so happy - stunning as always! xx

  4. oh i want to go to a christmas tree farm!! even though my christmas tree has just been delivered.....

  5. Gorgeous photos Keri-Anne! What a great snap of you all as a family xx

    1. Thank you so much Alice. It is so lovely to have one of us all x

  6. Stunning photos as ever Keri-Anne and love that one of all of you! Xx

  7. How amazing! I must find somewhere to do that nearby. Beautiful images too x

  8. What a beautiful place to visit, I would love to go along as the smell must be lovely. However I am allergic to Christmas trees!!

  9. You were lucky with the weather that day. It looks such a lovely place (off to google one near me). Your pictures are beautiful x

  10. That looks like the most lovely dream<3 Wow Elle and Mia are getting so big!

    1. Thank you dear. Yes, they are growing so quickly x

  11. Wow you are so spoilt for choice with trees there! I wish we had a farm like this by my house. We choose ours every year and you're right, it does have to be the perfect one. We've been to 3 places so far and hopefully our next stop we'll find the one. It sounds like a perfect family day out though and I love the fairies!

  12. Your photos are just stunning, do you shoot on film or just use a film preset as they look ethereal! xx



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