Monday 24 October 2016

Pumpkin carving

We love our traditions and every October, we meet with my best friend to carve pumpkins. We really are not the best carvers and our pumpkins did look a little bit sorry for themselves! I get the girls to draw their designs on their pumpkins and Mia always draws the smallest features that she wants me to cut out. I really am awful at carving so i just go at it with a knife and hope for the best. They both always seemed pleased with the results so i guess that is all that matters. I have no idea how people manage to do intricate details and designs! Maybe one year, i will watch some tutorials and get some proper tools and give it a go, but whilst the girls are young, i want it to be all about them and their own designs.

The girls drew their designs and then i cut off the tops for them. They spent a good half an hour scooping and getting thoroughly filthy and sticky! I think this is their favourite part! After they had scooped, Hannah and i cut our their designs for them whilst they ate chocolate buttons.

I love our traditions so much. It means the world to me. Even though we do this every year, i haven't made a creative film of them carving and wanted to this year. I haven't done an inside video for a long time but i love the result and, to us, it is all about the memories and the feeling we get as we watch it back. I do love creating these films for them and i hope you like it too. I know this is one we shall be watching over and over again this year!



  1. Yay so so lovely Keri-Anne! I always think it's so funny to see what little ones draw on and then cut out. They are the best pumpkins. Love your smiling friendly one!

    1. Me too! Mia always draws the smallest features ever!!!

  2. Pumpkin carving is so calm and lovely in your house. My kids do be throwing the pumpkin guts around, ha! Beautiful video!

    1. Ha, they did gt it everywhere and their hands were so sticky after ;)

  3. Simply beautiful moments. We also carved this weekend. It's always so comforting to engage in a tradition.

    1. Thank you. It really is. It is so important for me to create these experiences and memories for the girls. I didn't do anything like this as a little girl so i love to be able to let them experience everything x

  4. We've made carving a tradition too! our eldest loves it so much, we've started getting several pumpkins, as soon as they appear in shops! We get one at a time so we pretty much have a pumpkin in the window for the whole of october! xx #schoolsout

    1. How wonderful! I love collecting pumpkins and will be keeping my gold sprayed and gold glitter pumpkins on my fireplace until christmas :)

  5. I've never carved a pumpkin in my life! These are gorgeous photos of such a lovely tradition x

    1. Thank you. I hadn't until four years ago. That is why i want to with the girls as i never did when i was younger x

  6. We are going to carve ours this week (before the pumpkin turns to mush in the hall!). I love yours, so lovely! x

    1. I hope you have a wonderful time doing it :) x

  7. We're carving ours at the end of the week, we always carve with my parents. I love that you chose different colour pumpkins like me. I can't have enough pumpkins and gourds in the house at this time of year! I also want your mantel now, it's beautiful! Missing you. xxxx

    1. Hello dear! Ah how lovely! Cannot wait to see what you guys do. Ah, this isn't my house but it is pretty isn't it :) Missing you too x

  8. Firstly I absolutely adore your Hobbit Hole sign - where did you get it? Secondly I think your pumpkins are ace. Traditions are so important to kids and love creating new ones with my daughter. I like to think that if she has children she'll repeat our traditions because she has such happy memories of them. Thanks for linking up to #schoolsout.

    1. Hello. This is actually my friends house and she found it at a vintage store :) Yes, i agree. I didn't do anything like this as a child so it is so important to me to give the girls these experiences and days x

  9. Such a sweet tradition - and an equally sweet video to match it. I love looking back on old videos too - what a special thing for your girls to have when they grow up. xx

    1. Thank you Molly. Glad you love the video. I have such a passion for creating them :)

  10. Really love your video, what a fab job you have all done of carving, much better than our attempt I have to admit. x

    1. Thank you! Oh, you think so? I think i am shockingly back at carving. It is not one of my strong points. The smell of pumpkins makes me feel a bit queasy as well ha x

  11. Aaaaw I love your video - it makes me want to carve pumpkins with my two right now x

  12. Gorgeous video! We love carving pumpkins every year although it is messy. I think we might go and buy pumpkins this afternoon now!

    1. Thank you very much! I hope you managed to get some :)

  13. What a beautiful video, I love pumpkin carving with the kids. They love it!

  14. Carving pumpkins is such hard work, your gorgeous photos make it look easy! :) It's so lovely to have your own little family traditions. I really need to get down to a pumpkin patch with the kids this year!x

  15. This is such a lovely tradition! The end results look brilliant, I love that the children have so much involvement. We have our pumpkins to carve now :-) #schoolsout

    1. Thank you :) I hope you have fun carving yours x

  16. I'm A little bit in love with the decor in your house. It looks so hygge! For my sins I've actually never attempted to carve a pumpkin. At the moment my son is a bit too little to get involved but it's definitely a tradition I need to get on board with for the future. Thanks for linking with #SchoolsOut

    1. Ah, this isn't my home. It is my friends. It is lovely though isn't it :) x

  17. Gorgeous snaps, so pleased I found your blog! My 2nd son always draws tiny faces too! Loved your little video, I always think it's so nice to see memories on video as well as photos, as much as I adore photography nothing holds a memory quite like seeing it in real time! Looking forward to keeping up with your memories and traditions :) x #schoolsout

    1. Thank you for visiting and commenting :) I am so glad you love the video x

  18. This is so lovely Keri-Anne, what a great little tradition xx

  19. Looks like so much fun and I love all of the different sizes and shapes of pumpkins you got! I'm off to carve mine now! x #SundayBest

  20. Hey Keri-Anne, Your video is shot & edited beautifully. Your girls look like they've had a ball carving up their pumpkins! I'm delighted I've found your blog because (& much to my surprise), our daughters have the same names - both of them!! Only difference for us is Mia is our eldest & Elle is our youngest!!! You can check them out here - Very unusual, this is defo a first for me!! Great post which I had to share. Look forward to reading your posts. Regards, Ross #SundayBest

  21. Loved watching the beautiful video!! Such simple pleasure carving pumpkins but such a wonderful thing to do int he autumn - love all the photos as well

    Laura x

  22. Ahh what lovely pumpkins, such beautiful photos too as always. Thanks so much for joining us at #SundayBest, hope to see you again tomorrow! x

  23. Oh they're lovely! I didn't do any pumpkins this year and really regret it now. Oh well, always next year! Thanks for linking up to #SundayBest x



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