Wednesday 5 October 2016

A forest of mushrooms

Autumn is well and truly here. My favourite season.

I had wanted to go to our secret forest today but decided to wait and take the girls after school. I picked them up and we headed out for an adventure. I love spontaneous adventures and so do they. The rest of the afternoon was spent playing in the teepees, collecting mushrooms, playing music with sticks and tree branches and the girls playing sailing boats on tree trunks. We gathered some of the mushrooms in our basket. I made sure all the mushrooms the girls picked were edible or non poisionious. The mushrooms we got were the laccaria amethystina, lycoperdon excipuliformis an the coprinus comatus. We read about them in my mushroom book and bought some home to study and to paint in my nature journal.

I love adventures like this and i am so pleased with the video i made. I believe it is my favourite so far! I hope you enjoy it!



  1. I just love these photos! I would love to be brave enough to go mushroom foraging but I'm scared of pick the wrong ones xx

    1. Thank you. I used to feel the same but i am quite clued up now as a i have a book and i check before allowing the girls to pick them. Most of the ones in the woodland are fine :)

  2. Such magical photos. I love all the little adventures you guys get up to. xo

  3. Keri-Anne
    This is soooo good!
    You were always fab at these but you've stepped it up, it's so professional.
    The slowness of each shot and how it melds with the music makes it flow when watching.
    I don't know how you know which mushrooms are ok to pick though ;)
    What is the song, I need to find out!
    Love to u and E and M
    Kat x

    1. Oh thank you so much! I am so pleased with this one K. The song is called Caves by Haux

  4. wow beautiful pictures! Autumn is such a lovely time of year x

  5. What a beautiful video - you really have a talent!

    I'm scared about mushroom picking in case I pick the wrong ones x

    1. Thank you so much Cass. I make sure i check what each mushroom is before we touch it :) I always carry my book with me and double check x

  6. Awh, these pics screams cuteness. The mucky little hands and all!!

  7. beautiful pictures as always lovely! Just magical x

  8. Such stunning photos! Lighting is amazing. You're braver than me using mushrooms you'd picked as I wouldn't have a clue x

    1. Thank you. We have a book and i make sure i know exactly what everything is. I love to learn about them x

  9. Your photos are amazing <3
    Hayden would love mushroom picking but I wouldn't know where to start. Knowing my luck, we'd end up in hives.
    Thanks for sharing this beautiful post hun
    Charlotte x

    1. Thank you. I used to feel the same but i have plently of books and i love to learn about them and teach the girls. 9/10 of the woodland ones are ok :) xx

  10. Beautiful. Another one who is too scared of picking the wrong one to go mushroom picking!

    1. Thank you Rachel. I have a book (well 5!) and love to learn and read about them so i know what each one is before we touch or pick x

  11. Beautiful photos. Did you eventually eat the mushrooms? I need to get a book to help identify them as I'm clueless.

  12. What a gorgeous afternoon, I love your photos! I am impressed with your mushroom knowledge - we found a little mushroom 'village' the other day but I wouldn't have known what a single one was so I just admired! #ChasingNature

  13. Wow! What a stunning blog you have. The photos, videos and content. The video of the mushroom picking is just beautiful. I have been studying mushrooms recently and look forward to feeling confident enough in my knowledge to take my children mushroom picking. Thank you very much for linking up with #ChasingNature



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