Wednesday 5 October 2016

You are eight

Dear Elle.

You are now eight. Although sometimes you tell me that you are three because you know how much i didn't want you to turn eight. The day of your birthday, you even said i could take you to nursery instead of school as you weren't really eight. But you are. And it is ok really. You are just growing up.

Elle, i am so proud of you. I am proud of everything you do. I don't think i could have asked for a more kind and caring daughter. You are so wonderful and so enchanting. At least once a week, we are stopped so that a stranger can tell you how beautiful your hair is. Or your freckles. I love your freckles. I have had to stop counting them now as they are appearing over night. I adore the tiny ones on your forehead.

Your eyes. Some days they are blue, some green, some grey and some turquoise. You have worked out a meaning for each colour and always ask me what colour they and they always match the mood you are in. I think they are magic. I think YOU are magic.

You are doing amazingly well at school. Making everyone around you so proud. You work so hard and you deserve the world. I love to hear you read. I love to read the stories you write. I love to check on you at 10pm and see you fast asleep, surrounded by books and pieces of paper with your stories and writing on. You write letters to the fairies and leave them by your fireplace. You believe in them with you whole heart.

We all love you. Your sister thinks you are the most amazing person in the world. The way you are together and the way you are always helping her and hugging her. You hold her chin and smother her in kisses. I think you both have the most magical bond there ever was.

There is so much i could write about you but i think you are a real life fairy and i am so grateful that you chose me to by your mother. I will always love you more than life it self.



  1. This is beautiful, it's inspired me to write a letter to my own 8 year old. Your daughters are beautiful

    1. That is so kind of you. I am glad i have inspired you :)

  2. beautiful post for a beautiful girl. Lovely to hear the bond between the two sisters - sisters are the best! x

  3. Goosebumps. Beautiful letter. Happy 8th birthday Elle!

  4. This is the most beautiful post and your pictures are just gorgeous. They're so enchanting, like they're from a fairy tale x

    1. Thank you so much! I am so happy you like them :)

  5. What a beautiful picture, and your daughter sounds so wonderful. Sounds like she's shaping up to be a great person!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind comment :)

  6. I love open letters! So emotional and from the heart. What a gorgeous keepsake for your daughter to have in the future. Love the photo and that you call her a real life fairy :) x

    1. Thank you Sarah. I love reading and writing them and i now have these for the girls as they grow up and that is such an exciting thought :)

  7. This is a lovely post! I really enjoy reading open letters, they're just so personal and honest.

    1. Thank you so very much. I love reading others too x

  8. Gorgeous letter to Elle! She is such a beautiful girl. Eight seems so grown up, my little one is almost three and I'm struggling to accept that too! xo

    1. Thank you Harriet. Yes, it does! I am not happy at all that she is 8 but i know she needs to grow up and she is still so little really. x

  9. This is such a beautiful letter, happy 8th birthday!!

  10. Ah that picture is so beautiful, along with your words too. It is lovely to watch your children grow and develop.

  11. What a lovely letter. It's nice to have letters like this for the future to look back on.



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