Wednesday 10 August 2016

Beatrix Potter

When i was younger i wanted to be like Beatrix Potter and truth be told, i still do. I would spend my days sitting in a tree in my grandmas garden, reading her books and imagining my own talking animals and magical lands full of hills and lakes. I wished so hard to go to the Lake District and to see those places myself. To sit on top of the hills with my notebook and just write or draw or dream. She is and still is my hero. She is such an amazing influence to so many people, including Elle and Mia. Elle loves reading her stories and the girls sit and watch the little films made of her books with me. We take out the easel with us to flower meadows and press flowers.

In just a few weeks, Gilles is taking me to the Lake District for two days. It was a surprise for my birthday and i have great plans. We are staying in a tiny little village where Beatrix herself lived and had her own farm. By the time we go there, Hill top tree farm will be closed for the season but i am more excited about seeing her other farms where there will not be too many other people around. Just to feel inspired by what she did and see if any drawings or words come to me as i am climbing the hills or splashing around at the waterfall pool.

To me, it is so important for my girls to have such a positive hero. I want to them to be able to be so free with their imagination. To feel inspired by nature and to be selfless and hard working. Of course, they can be who ever they wish to be but by surrounding them with nature and letting them adventure amongst forests and meadows, i feel this will help them be as creative as they wish and to have the most happy memories and childhood. Do you have a hero? I would love to know who your hero is and why.

(this is a collaborative post)

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