Monday 11 July 2016

I turned 30

On Friday, i turned 30. It seems so strange typing that as i definitely do not feel 30 at all! But no amounts of wishing time would slow down stopped it happening so i had to embrace it. I woke up super early and then my girls gave me cards and gifts they had made me. Sweet little cards and pictures. Gilles then gave me an envelope and inside were lots of pictures of mountains and lakes. On the last piece of paper was a confirmation for a two night stay in the Lake District for just me and him next month. We are staying just outside of windermere in a tiny village and i couldn't be more excited! Not only do i get to go to the Lake District (and Hill Top Farm!) but i get to spend some time with just my husband. The last time we had a holiday just the two of us was on our honeymoon 9 years ago.

My wishes for my birthday were simple. A day with my husband and a bbq with my family. Once we had dropped the girls off to school, we drove to the strawberry farm. I took my little wicker basket and after weighing it, we started collecting strawberries. Gilles kept finding the biggest ones i have ever seen! We filled up the basket and paid. We then headed to a local supermarket to pick up some fresh meats for the evening bbq at my mums house followed by a quick visit to Gilles's mums house. Afterwards, we headed to my favourite gardens and spent the afternoon in the orangery, watching meerkats playing in the menagerie and fed our sandwhiches to the carp in the river. We walked hand in hand through the wild flowers and woods and it was just the most perfect afternoon.

After picking up the girls, we went to my mums and had a bbq. My sister and her family and my brother and his girlfriend came over and we sat out in the garden until the evening, playing with a bow and arrow Gilles had made the girls out of bamboo sticks and string.

It was pretty wonderful. Just the birthday i wanted. Now i have the little lake district get away to look forward to!



  1. Oh! You look so young! Like a girl! :D
    (Heh, I'm also turned 30 - in April... We have young hearts, souls - this guarantees us eternal youth, I think ;))

    Happy Birthday! Best for you!

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