Tuesday 12 July 2016

Asda Xmas

I am feeling so honoured and excited to have been chosen as an Asda VIP ambassador and last week, i got the chance to head to London for their wonderful Christmas 2016 event. The whole day was a mixture of amazing chocolates and fudges, mouth watering cakes and wonderful demonstrations by James Martin.

I cannot tell you how excited i am for the new Christmas range. Christmas is my favourite time of the year! So many of their cakes and treats are free from which, for me, is such a huge plus! My mum has allergies and i know the struggle she goes through to find things that she can have to feel included. I especially loved the free from gingerbread house and i gave it my "mums thumbs up". If you are a long time reader of my blog, you will know that every day in December, the girls get a little note in their calendar with an activity on. One of our favourite traditions to do is gingerbread house making. I find it so hard to find pretty ready made kits that the girls can do and fell in love with Asda's gingerbread kit house. It reminds me of swedish chalets and as it is free from, it doesn't exclude any children. We shall be getting this kit in December to do and, no doubt, sharing it on my blog!

One of my other "mums thumbs up" products that i loved were the chocolate novelty characters, especially Holly the Hippo. They would be perfect for Christmas eve hampers or extra special stocking fillers as well as presents for teachers and your children's school friends. As a mum, i am always looking for unique present ideas and these chocolates, as well as the giant chocolate coins, gingerbread fudge (which is heavenly!) and macaroons, are just perfect and very budget friendly too!

During the event, i was so lucky to get the chance to sit down with the amazing chef, James Martin and get some good tips on how to cook the perfect Christmas dinner. He is such a down to earth man and is very passionate about the work he is doing with Asda, coming up with some amazing ideas and recipes. You might have heard some of the radio ads that are out right now. I love the idea of the stuffed layer loaf and shall be giving this a try over the next few weeks.

I honestly think Asda have got it spot on this year. The range is just amazing and i am still so blown away by all the free from options! I cannot wait to start seeing it roll out into stores and to make that gingerbread house with the girls.

During the event, i used a go pro for the first time to film some of the amazing new foods. Just a warning, i wouldn't watch this if you are feeling hungry. Enjoy!



  1. What a gorgeous video! I really fancy a mince pie now....

    1. Thank you sweet lady. I may have got some in the goody bag and ate three on the train!

  2. lovely video! i may be craving christmassy treats now (which feels weird seeing as it's july)!

    1. It does feel weird doesn't it but it is never too early to get excited! Thank you sweetie x

  3. Yummy! Ginger fudge... mmm... and gingerbread house kits are always fun. A "free-from" version means the littlies can share it with everyone!

    1. Thank you Aunty. Yes indeed. Asda have so many wonderful free from items this year :)

  4. Well done lovely, your video is gorgeous! xx

  5. Lovely to have met you, such a fab show. Love all the sweet treats you captured in your video. Hurry up December! x



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