Sunday 15 May 2016

Siblings {May 16}

This week has been a little insight as to how strong their bond really is. Mia got sick last week with Scarlet fever and Elle just couldn't leave her alone. When we were at the hospital, Elle was the one that kept relaying Mia's symptoms to the doctors and nurses. Asking them what they were doing and to be careful as her little sister was feeling sick and sad. One of the nurses commented about how much she must love her sister. It made me really proud to see how caring and attentive Elle was. And in return, Mia would want Elle in the middle of the night when she woke with a spiked fever.

And then yesterday, Mia shut her finger in her bedroom door. There was a scream and then LOTS of tears. From both of them. Mia crying because she had hurt herself and Elle crying because her sister had hurt herself. Again we had to go to the hospital and Elle became very protective and showed this amazing caring and fiercely protective side of her. Asking if Mia wanted a drink and telling her she was so brave and cuddling her. It almost feels that she could probably do a better job at keeping her calm and not worried than i could!

Siblings is such a wonderful link up project. You can find more beautiful photographs on the other co-hosts blogs. Katie from Mummy Daddy Me, Lucy from Dear Beautiful, Amber from The Goblin Child, Annie from Fable & Folk and Carie from Space for the butterflies.



  1. Aw that's lovely that they have such a strong bond. Beautiful photos x #siblingsproject

  2. Gorgeous photos and such a special relationship to have, so strong and it's lovely to know they have one another, I can only hope my two are like this as they grow X

  3. This is so beautiful! Precious little girls!



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