Monday 15 February 2016

Siblings {February 16}

I had a whole write up reading for this month but i really wanted to talk about these pictures. Looking at these pictures, you wouldn't really be able to tell what the story was but i have added a few below so you can the pure fragility of Mia in them.

Mia is such a happy girl. She has me laughing like no one ever can. She is the most funniest little thing and just makes everyone around her so happy. Every morning when i go into her room, she had the biggest smile on her face and always bounces out of bed with a big "morning mama". Mia hardly ever cries. She hardly ever gets upset or grumpy but on Friday, she was just that. I had a plan to take the girls to the blossom tree to do some photographs for this post but when i got Mia from school, she just looked so sad and she was very tearful. I held her hand and we started to walk through the woods home. On the other side of the woods is this little lake that the girls like to go to. It has a family of ducks living on it and the girls like to make "snow" with the bull rushes. We walked up to the lake and i just mentioned to the girls that i was going to do their siblings photographs today but that we would do them over the weekend as Mia wasn't very happy. Mia then burst into tears and starting saying, through tears, that she wanted to have her photograph taken. I said i would give her some time to calm down and gave her a big cuddle. She calmed down and as soon as i got my camera out, she would cry again with lots of "i just cannot calm myself down mama". I said that we would just leave it today and walk home but then she had a huge temper tantrum saying how she wanted to do the pictures. This was a bit of a vicious circle and i just made the decision to put the camera away and say we were going to just go home.

As i was putting my camera away, Elle put her arms around her sister and started stroking her head. She started to sing to her and held Mia's head to her chest. I just watched in awe of how amazing Elle was with her sister. Mia started to instantly calm down and, for the first time since i picked them up from school, Mia started to smile. I heard a little voice from Mia asking if she could take some photographs and i did. I didn't even plan to use these for this post, i just wanted to take pictures of that moment. To see Mia completely trust her sister and for Elle to completely nurture Mia. I just let them be and i snapped away. Elle then knelt down infront of Mia and asked her if she wanted to go and make snow. That was it. They ran off and started waving the bull rushes around and covering the air is floating "snow". It really was an amazing moment. It didn't last long because as soon as we left the lake to walk home, Mia then fell face first in some mud and cried the rest of the way home, but i still felt so warm inside and looking at these pictures again makes me feel it all over again.

Siblings is such a wonderful link up project. You can find more beautiful photographs on the other co-hosts blogs. Katie from Mummy Daddy Me, Lucy from Dear Beautiful, Amber from The Goblin Child, Annie from Fable & Folk and Carie from Space for the butterflies.



  1. Very timeless photo is. I have a mia too!

    1. Thank you very much. Isn't it such a pretty name :) x

  2. Such a lovely story, and so sweet - it makes me excited to see the bond develop between my two. PS their hair! Do they let you plait it?

    1. Thank you Gill. Yes i do, i plait their hair everytime i wash it and then take it out the next day. That is how it stays wavy. We also use a tangle teezer as their hair gets so knotty! x

  3. Aw, these are priceless - your girls are so sweet! The reeds in behind are the perfect backdrop for this too! xo

    1. Thank you! Yes, i love them and we pass them every day on the school run :) We are so lucky x

  4. What a special moment to capture, the love and trust between them jumps of the page. X

  5. So sweet, sometimes nothing but a sibling cuddle will do! My eldest is very nurturing towards his younger siblings and often he will calm them both down too. Its very special! X

  6. Oh what those two have is so very very special. it's a bond forged in sisterhood but I think it goes beyond that. What a treasure for them both and what lovely pictures to share :)

  7. What a wonderful moment to capture; I think these photos really tell the story of such a special bond between your two girls as well.

  8. Aww what a lovely story, it actually brought a little tear to my eyes. So glad big sis managed to cheer up little sis. It's a great bond to have, wish I wasn't an only child!

  9. Aww this is lovely. It sounds like they have an amazing sibling bond. Gorgeous girls.

  10. These photos are beautiful. Sisters is such a special bond and to know you can be vulnerable and someone will be there is amazing. I just hope my Little ladies have this with each other too. A lovely capture xx

  11. Gorgeous photos and what a lovely story behind them too. I love the special siblings relationship. We love making snow with bulrushes too-they fascinate me xxx

  12. Oh my goodness, this is so lovely! There is nothing better than watching moments like these between siblings :) xx

  13. Such a beautiful post lovely. and what a joy to watch a bond like this blossom xx

  14. What precious moments to capture x

  15. Just stunning photos. Your girls are both so beautiful....not to mention those long auburn locks!

  16. This was such a lovely post. My sister and I have always been very close and I really miss her since she moved away to Ireland. I can totally understand their bond - it's like no other relationship.

  17. Such beautiful photos Keri-Anne - you can tell what a close bond the girls have.

  18. What beautiful photos and such a loving story of two sisters. You must so pleased that they'll have each other always x

  19. Those bull rushes are glorious and I love how your girls are so close! xx

  20. Look at their hair, it is just so beautiful! x

  21. Oh this was such a lovely post to read and it gives me hope that my sons will be as close and caring to each other as your daughters are. Such stunning photography and a wonderful linky - I must try and link up sometime

    Laura x

  22. Beautiful (both stories and the photos). I'm looking forward to Pip having a sibling - as my relationship with my sisters is very special to me.

  23. they are so beautiful and I love seeing how close their relationship must be x

  24. Gorgeous photos, they are so sweet together. x

  25. What special photos capturing sister love. Thank you for sharing this sweet story with us.



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