Friday 29 January 2016

The forest

Now that both girls are in full time school, i try and do something every day after school with them. We mostly go to the garden centre or the super market for a wonder or just for a drive but some days, we go on an adventure if the weather is nice. Yesterday, after a whole week of wind and rain, the sun came out. On the way to school, i asked the girls what we should do after school and they both wanted to go to the forest to go on the tree top walk so i picked them up, bought some snacks and we set off. The car park to the forest was empty and we didn't see one other person. Normally it is so busy so we really felt we had the whole forest to ourselves. The girls wanted to do the tree top walk and then go looking for teepees. There are always so many amongst the trees and we love going on the paths to find them.

I love spontaneous days like this. I love that the girls are really big adventurers and i love that they will walk of the main paths with me to go exploring. We got tangled up in brambles and i had to carry them over a few ditches but it is my favourite thing to do with them. We have decided to come here once a week now and go to different parts. There is so much to explore and so many more adventures that me and my little ladies can have.


  1. This is wonderful. I love doing "whatever" with my children after school, but days like this... the ones spent in the magic of a wood - those are my favorite.



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