Friday 15 January 2016

Siblings {January 16}

It is January, again! This is the third year i am doing the Siblings project and it really is my favourite post each month. I love have an opportunity each month just to capture them together, their relationship, their bond, their love. I say it month after month but the love between these two little girls is like no other. It is a bond that i don't think i will ever be able to understand and a bond that i wish i was apart of.

When we go on adventures, just the three of us, i love to just step back and let these two create their memories together. I love to listen to them chatting away in the back of the car about the flowers they saw, or the sheep in the fields or how they paddled in the stream in the middle of the woods together. The chatting turns to giggles and it always makes me smile. Even though i am the one taking them on adventures, i know that it is really them that are creating the memories. Memoires that are just for them and memories that they will remember for a very long time. That is one of the main reasons i love to photograph them. We sit down together and look at pictures or watch the videos of their adventures together and they relive it all over again. The excited chattering and the giggling and the "i remembers". I hope and pray that they look back of these years with love and happiness and i hope that they can look back together and know that they were, and hopefully still are, the best of friends.



  1. Gorgeous photos, looking forward to seeing the adventures you have the rest of the year!

  2. Your photos are always so dreamy and beautiful! And I won't go on because you know I'm a huge fan of your photography! Hehe! xx

  3. Oh, how darling! Such gorgeous, dreamy photos. I'm sure they'll love looking back at all of these when they're grown up best friends xxx

    1. Thank you very much. I hope they love them when they are older x

  4. Oh my giddy aunt THESE PICTURES! They are amazing, absolutely stunning.

    1. Thank you Amber!! So happy you like them x

  5. Gosh... Your photos are always so achingly beautiful... These are stunning!

  6. Oh wow such stunning photos (as always); your pictures tell such a dreamy story and capture the girls' relationship perfectly :)

  7. Its always so magical and dreamy on your blog lovely. your girls are beautiful x

  8. So beautiful. They tell such a dreamy story. x

  9. Such gorgeous, dreamy photos Keri-Anne :-) Hopefully I'll get to see you at another event this year, and wishing you a great 2016! x #siblings

  10. Such beautiful, whimsical photos. They really capture the magic of their relationship.



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