Wednesday 6 January 2016


- It is the start a new year and i am very welcoming of that. Last year, i had quite a lot of health issues with a big health scare at the very end but everything is fine and i am looking forward to putting it all behind me and trying to be as healthy and positive as i can. Due to my health scare, i am having to battle a big pain management issue which includes changing my diet for a while but i am happy to do anything i can to make myself feel better.

- Christmas was wonderful. Gilles worked away for the last two weeks before Christmas working on a pantomine but managed to get home on Christmas eve in time to sprinkle reindeer food and put two excited little girls to bed!!

- I have been reading and looking at the illustrations in my botanical books and one of my goals this year to to own a lot more botanical prints and books. I have already bought two and we are only 5 days in! They just make me happy and i love to create pictures with them. Another thing i a doing is pressing a lot more flowers to make my own handmade prints and to put the pressed flowers in frames. I am pressing them in between some of my old vintage books and it makes me happy everytime i open up the books to take a peek at them!

- We spent new years this year at our friends house, playing scrabble and watching movies. It was so lovely to be out and our children have all grown up together. They are even Elle's god parents so they girls stayed up until nearly midnight playing hide and seek. They loved it and we did too!

- I am starting a new workout plan on the 11th. I did the Kayla Itsine's BBG workout last year for 6 months until health issues took over and my doctor told me to stop. I am restarting the same workouts on the 11th and i cannot wait to get back into it. I have already been on a few runs since Christmas too.

- My plan this month is to just take things easy and slow. I am reading more, exercising more and giving myself set working times as well so i can have regular breaks and a few days a week where i have my own adventures or just do a little bit of charity shopping or visit my sister and nephew. I am finding it important to have time to myself and not put too much pressure on myself.

-My mum bought me a calligraphy set for christmas and Gilles bought me a new leather bound journal and another of my goals is to fill the journal with beautiful words and writing. I have so many stories to share and it will be coming out with me on my adventures incase i get inspired to write or even attempt to draw!


  1. I am sorry for your poor health and pain, I hope you feel better soon and that 2016 brings you much joy.



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