Thursday 15 October 2015

Siblings in October

This month has completely gotten away with me. I had a shoot all planned yesterday with the girls but then i had to pick Elle up from school early and we ended up at the hospital. Elle broke a growth plate in her arm a few weeks ago and it has been giving her a lot of trouble and she has been in a lot of pain but, luckily, we are now discharged from the consultant and all looks good.

Last week, we ended up finding this disused railway track. I was so excited when i saw it and we might have had to climb a fence to get to it but i knew it was gated off at both ends. It is in a park and is used for rides for birthday parties and special occasions so is gated off all other times. As soon as we climbed over the fence, Elle said to Mia "You stand on the track and i will hold you hand as you walk" This is her all over. She is so in love with her little sister. Mia was scared but as soon as Elle held her hand, she started walking and she had complete trust in her sister. Elle kept encouraging her and telling her how good she was doing and then Mia jumped off when she had finished and said "Thank you Elle Bell".

I love them but i know that their love for each other is something i will never be able to share. It is so pure and trusting and wonderful and magical.

"Siblings" is a monthly link up where myself and 6 other bloggers all share a photo of their children and then we each send you off to look at another blog. You can then go around in a circle, viewing all of the wonderful photographs and then why not link up yourself if you have two children or more! This month, i am sending you over to Katie at Mummydaddyme. Katie writes one of my favourite blogs and her two little ladies just remind me so much of mine! 



  1. Gorgeous back drop this month, and somehow, autumn just seems to particularly suit your girls! I think it's their gorgeous hair!

    1. Thank you ever so much. Elle has asked to change her name to Autumn as she loves it so much :) x

  2. You always find the most beautiful locations for your photos- stunning! x

    1. Thank you darling. I was so happy to find this track x

  3. I agree with Katie - what a gorgeous location! x

    1. Thank you! I cannot wait to go back to my digital camera for some more photos x

  4. Gorgeous photos, and what a beautiful setting for it too.

  5. Lovely photography. I love the colours in this photo. i wish I could take photos like that or even get the time to take photo like that. I am glad Ellie is getting better. #siblings

    1. Thank you!! This was a complete accident that we found this track and i am so so glad we did x

  6. Oh wow what a perfect spot for photos, such beautiful colours and train tracks make awesome leading lines! It tells the story of your girls an they're just so sweet together :)

    1. Thank you Carie. You are always so lovely x



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