Wednesday 2 September 2015

Sleeping in autumn

Each season, i love to swap things around, espiecally in my bedroom. It is my haven and if you are a long time reader of my blog or follow me on instagram, you may well know that i have many lace dresses, flower crowns, flower fairy pictures and botanical prints all around my bedroom. I have my craft/work desk in the bedroom, but i am naughty sometimes and just like to snuggle in my bed with my laptop to do my work and editing!

When spring arrives, i always go out and get a brand new white duvet cover with lace trim. I really love the bittersweet inn collection and i treat us to a new one every year. I love to change around the pictures to match the season and add flowers in bottles. It always makes me feel so fresh and clean and ready for spring! I love to go out and pick wild flowers from the meadows to fill the bottles around the house. Now autumn is here, i have been starting to think about what to do with the bedroom space. Even though i love my white duvets, i like to buy put new covers on and i have been thinking about getting some nice woolly throws for the first time for the end of the bed. I always love how they look and it would be lovely to have a nice cream one to drap across the bottom to keep my toes warm when i am working. I have been gathering inspiration and pinning on pinterest like crazy! Autumn is my favourite month. I love to feel cosy and warm and i love being snuggled under blankets when it is cold and dreary outside.

                                                        (All images from Houseology)

I love the idea of mixing neutral coloured duvet covers with white or cream throws on beds. I love the colour palettes in the new Murmur collection and i am going to have fun shopping for some cosy bedding for this season.

Another thing that i would love to get new this season is a new mattress. I am in love with the Bruno mattress. The Bruno mattress revolutionised the industry by creating a single mattress tailored to all sleepers. The Bruno mattress has evolved through various development and test cycles. This happened first at the drawing board and later with a multitude of test models. In addition to the conscious choice of materials, its comfort is mainly influenced by the intelligent design of the Bruno. Perfect sleeping comfort, premium (mostly organic) materials and a unique design.  


1 comment

  1. I love the thought of changing things around in the bedroom according to the seasons. I like to surround myself with flowers and light colours and airy fabrics in the spring and summer but when Autumn comes along it has to be candles, throw blankets and fairy lights all the way! ��



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