Wednesday 2 September 2015

Heather fields and birdcages

Last week, we went back to our happy place. I found this amazing heather field last summer on our drive back from holiday. I saw the purple in the distance and decided that i would regret it if i didn't try and find a way to get to it. I was so lucky in that it is a nature reserve and i managed to find it quite easily. We ended up going back here three times last year. I wanted to do a few trips this year back to it but this weather has been so unpredictable!

The heath is around 2 hours from my home and as soon as i saw it in the distance, i got a really funny feeling in my tummy. It really is such an amazing place! It just takes my breath away. The heath has wild ponies roaming and is surrounded by an amazing forest. We got out the car and started our adventure but after a few minuets, the rain just hit us! It wasn't scheduled to rain and i was so disappointed but i managed to take a few pictures before we had to run back to the car and take shelter! My mum came with us too and she took the sweetest picture of me and the girls. I will treasure that picture forever because this place really is out happy place and i am hoping in a few weeks time that we can take another trip here as the heather fades. It turns the most amazing deep purple and i would like to come back again to explore.



  1. Such a beautiful blog :) I love looking through your photographs.

  2. Such beautiful photographs!

    1. Thank you so much!! So glad you like them x

  3. Breathtaking landscape Keri-Anne! It has been awhile since I visited your blog and as always it is a gift to the eyes : )

    1. Thank you ever so much and thank you for coming back to my blog :)



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