Saturday 8 August 2015

The windmill meadow

                                                         (girls dresses c/o Leopold & Livia)

When i was younger, i loved this meadow by the windmill. I would walk here from my grandma's house and any time we would drive to her house, i would always look out in the distance to get a glimpse of the windmill. It is such a special place to me and it has been so lovely to bring the girls here to share this magical place. Last year, the meadow was a rape seed meadow but this year, it is this beautiful golden corn and looks like something out of a fairytale. Every time i step into this meadow, i feel calm and completely at ease. The girls and i are starting to build up a list of special places that we love to visit and i cannot wait to find more places over the summer to share and adventure in with these two little ladies!


  1. These photographs are just beautiful!

  2. Oh what an incredible place and even more incredible photos! Was great to meet you at the Whitworths baking event last week, sorry I didn't get to chance to chat more. x

  3. Absolutely beautiful, so dreamy and serene. Love the dresses too. These shots are perfect xx



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