Saturday 15 August 2015

Siblings in August

In September, Mia starts at Elle's school in early years. Over the last few weeks, they keep talking so excitedly about the games they are going to play together in the playground. Elle keeps telling Mia that she can play with her and her friends and they can play mums and babies and that Mia can be the baby and her and her friends can be the mum and sisters. Elle has also been telling Mia all about school. Telling her where she will eat lunch and what she will get to do during class time. We got Mia her uniform last week and both girls were so excited when Mia tried to on. Mia was saying how she was just like her big sister and Elle was excited that Mia will be going to her school and they can see each other all the time.

It is so wonderful that they are both so excited for this next chapter. I am not but they are and i am so glad that Elle wants her little sister to play with her and her friends. I am sure she won't feel the same when Mia starts the same upper school as her but, for now, they are best friends and even though i don't honestly thing their bond could grow anymore, i think just somehow it might!

"Siblings" is a monthly link up where myself and 6 other bloggers all share a photo of their children and then we each send you off to look at another blog. You can then go around in a circle, viewing all of the wonderful photographs and then why not link up yourself if you have two children or more! This month, i am sending you over to Amber at Goblin child. The photographs she takes of her little twin boys are some of my most beautiful i ever see! You will love her blog.


  1. What gorgeous photos and such a stunning location for them too. How lovely that Mia is so excited about starting at Elle's school and that her big sister is looking forward to playing with her there. Hope you enjoy the rest of the summer :-)

  2. It must really help to smooth that transition into school to already have your big sister there to show you the way. I'm sure it will make them even closer that they have that to share. Gorgeous photos as always Keri-Anne, that location is dreamy and I love how relaxed and affectionate their cuddles are. x

    1. Thank you Lucy. I feel it will make them closer yes, i don't know how they can be any closer than they are but i can see this being such an amazing time for them both x

  3. Awesome photos! Glad your girls are so happy to be going to the same school as each other, lets hope this continues! Very sweet of your eldest to talk her sister through what to expect, should stop some of those nerves!

  4. Beautiful photos. It's hard when the youngest goes off to nursery or school but it's lovely that they are excited about it. Hope it all goes well.

  5. Beautiful pictures. It must be very comforting to know that Mia is so excited about being at Elle's school. My daughter is starting this September, and it's still a while yet before my boy will be joining her, but I'm sure that it will be good for him to know that his big sister is already there, too. Good luck with the transition to having two school children!

    1. Thank you Isa. It really is. I hope your little lady likes school. Good luck with it all :) x

  6. These pictures takes my breath away. It makes me think of my own sister, who would look after me, and protect me.

    1. Hello Anne. Thank you!! That means so much. I actually felt the same way as i was taking the photos. The whole evening, sunlight and view was so breathtaking and watching my girls just standing there on the cliff and taking it all in just made my heart beat so fast x

  7. We have P2 starting nursery soon, I am not ready for that either. They look like they share such a lovely bond.

  8. What gorgeous photos! That is lovely that she is following her sis to school - hope they look out for each other!

  9. You can see just how close your girls are, i'm so nervous about the idea of primary school come Spetember. really nervouse to 'end' this chapter of the golden years with my first baby. just will be in a different light in a new chapter I guess. lovely beautiful photos, beautiful backdrop too x

    1. Thank you Natalie. I completely agree with you on a new chapter! It is going to be so strange not having either girl at home!!! x

  10. What a beautiful setting for your photos as ever.

    1. Thank you Colette! I am so pleased with stumbled upon this coastal walk :)

  11. Gorgeous Photos!
    You are so lucky your girls are excited to be at school together! Mine eldest avoided the youngest for almost a whole half term when she started at his Primary school!

  12. Oh these are just beautiful - sibling summer personified x



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