Tuesday 26 May 2015

Among the cow parsley

Adventures among flower meadows are our favourites. The girls love gathering bunches and looking for little bugs and they are free and in their element. I just love stepping back and photographing them. We went out today to do a few shoots but it never really feels like a photoshoot because the pictures are always so candid. I think these are some of my favourite pictures i have taken of the girls. They completely sum both of them up and this cow parsley meadow is amazing. I use this meadow a lot for my shoots as each month it looks completely different. It is between two branches of the river and has marsh's, woods and cows that graze there. One of the woods the girls has named the fairy wood. They love to play and explore it in and collect sticks to do their fishing in the river. I cannot wait to take them back here during the week with our baskets to collect some of this cow parsley. We bought a bunch home today that Elle made but i would love to fill the house with it. It is one of those plants that dries wonderfully. I want to have some in my wall hanging bottles above my craft desk and have a big bunch on our dining room table!

(We just love these outfits. They were sent to the girls by one of our favourite designs, Milou and Pilou. Elle is wearing the Liberty print georgina dress and Mia is wearing the denim skirt and liberty print shirt)


  1. Absolutely beautiful photos! Your girls are gorgeous x

  2. aw i do envy your photo skills and your gorgeous children make them so much prettier t the eye

  3. Fab photos, no wonder they are some of your favourite. Your girls are just the right height to be almost hidden in that cow parsley. Pretty dresses too.

  4. your photos are beautiful, wish we had meadows like this near us. Your girls are gorgeous x

  5. Lovely photos - what a lovely place to visit!

  6. So so beautiful Kerri-Ann, I keep seeing a bit field of cow parsley near us and thinking I need to go and visit it with my girls and my camera! x

  7. This is so sweet and I love the girls clothes too! So pretty x

  8. I've been taking lots of pics of cow parsley as well - so pretty.

  9. Their outfits are just adorable - so pretty and I love the way they match but they're not identical x

  10. They both look amazing in those outfits and what wonderful pictures. They really are gorgeous girls

  11. What some beautiful photos, lovely outfits and it looks like a lovely place to go and spend some time. x

  12. Cow parsley just heralds the start of summer to me. I must investigate the meadows near to me to see what's happening. I hope I find one as beautiful as this.

  13. These photos are beautiful I particularly love the one of the 2 of them together so simple yet so beautiful! x

  14. Those dresses really are beautiful. As are your girls, of course! Cow parsley's such a delicate, pretty flower.

  15. Beautiful photos and the outfits are lovely. What a great place to take photos.

  16. Stunnign pictures, your girls have fabulous hair colours. Mich x

  17. Beautiful photos and I love those dresses - gorgeous! Cow Parsley is so sweet isn't it? It makes me want to fill my home with it too!

  18. Beautiful photos as always, your girls are growing so fast. We call the plants cow slip here

  19. Such beautiful pictures - mine just pull faces whenever I lift my camera these days - I have to be very sneaky to get anything remotely natural!

  20. Beautiful photos - and beautiful girls :) Kaz



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