Wednesday 15 April 2015

Siblings in April

These two sisters have had two whole weeks together. It has been 90% lovely and 10% bickering and arguing. Last week, i took Elle to London for the day and Mia stayed at her Nana's house for a sleepover for the first time on her own. When we took Mia up to the house for her sleepover, Elle cried because she didn't want to leave her sister. She cried in the car all the way home and spent the whole next day asking for her. As soon as we returned from London, there was a running hug movie kind of scene! Elle picked her up and spun her around whilst Mia gave her one of her squeezy cuddles. They hate being apart from each other. It really makes me emotional to see them together. They call each other best friends. 

The time has come where, after bedtime, they go into each others rooms not knowing that i can hear them running around or giggling together. It actually reminds me of being little. Me, my sister and brother would go in each others rooms and we would hear a "get to bed" from downstairs and we were always amazed at how mum knew we were out of bed! I find myself doing the same. Standing at the bottom of the stairs and saying "bed" in a firm voice and i see one of them whizzing across the landing to run back into their room for it to happen again only 5 minutes later. We have thought about letting them share a room because Elle is always asking but Mia isn't a great sleeper. We are hoping that when she starts school in September, that she will start to sleep through the night and then we might consider allowing them to share together. Both girls are so excited for Mia to start school. They will share a playground and Elle is always talking about being excited to play with her at lunchtimes and playtimes and seeing her in assembly. I know that Elle will look out for her sister and they will continue to be the best of friends even at school.

"Siblings" is a monthly link up where myself and 6 other bloggers all share a photo of their children and then we each send you off to look at another blog. You can then go around in a circle, viewing all of the wonderful photographs and then why not link up yourself if you have two children or more! This month, i am sending you over to Katie at Mummy Daddy Me. Her blog is filled with beautiful and enchanting photographs of her two little ladies, LL and Mads. It is definitely one of my favourite blogs!


  1. Lovely - they always looks so wild and free - just how children should be x

    1. Thanks Annie. It's the best way to be :) x

  2. Such lovely pictures of them - real babes in the wood.

    1. Thank you so much Erica. The woods is their favourite place :)

  3. Gorgeous pictures, I love the close up of their hands and the flowers.

    1. Thank you. That is one of my favourites also :) x

  4. Beautiful photos - they look so close and I love their matching dresses :-)

  5. They have such beautiful hair and against the pretty dresses it looks so lovely! I know my two in anything white is a bad idea however ha! x

    1. I have a good stain remover ;) Thank you for your comment x

  6. These photos are to gorgeous for words! Beautiful x

  7. Wow gorgeous pictures, you should make one into a canvas for your wall :)

  8. What absolutely stunning images. How lovely to watch their relationship developing.

  9. Love how they're cuddling, so cute! Beautiful photos :) xx #Siblings

    1. Thank you. They always do it on their own accord too. I just ask them to stand and they end up cuddling. x

  10. So sweet - they look like two fairies in the woods.

  11. Such gorgeous girls. They do look like little fairies in the woods.

  12. Oh I love that they scamper at night! My girls do the same but between beds as they're in the same room and they're always amazed that I knew they were up and about! Usually with us it's a foot at the bottom of our creaky stairs and you can hear them running back! I love these photos too - they look like tree sprites that might disappear at a moment's notice!

    1. We have cheeky girls! I am sure most siblings do it. I was always sooo amazed at how my mum knew!!!

  13. Beautifull pictures and such a lovely post. 2 little fairies

  14. I wish I had lovely photos like these of my lot when they were small. They all run and hide when I get my camera out x

    1. Thank you. Sometimes they don't like their photographs being done. Mia is getting to the point where she is refusing but Elle loves it :)

  15. Such lovely photos. I wish I had more then 1 child to join the siblings fun...some days, some days.

  16. These photos are stunning! I am so lucky to have a brother and two sisters x

  17. I do so love their hair! Such gorgeous photos x

    1. Thank you! I am so jealous of both their hair x

  18. Absolutely GORGEOUS pics. Extra funny that I just found you on instagram today too :-)
    Your blog is as beautiful as your photos!

  19. These two are SO beautiful and what stunning dresses. Really lovely #siblings moments. xxx

  20. Absolutely stunning pictures... Really, really beautiful! My girls are like this too at the moment, though they are a good bi younger... I suppose I always assume they'll grow out of their hugs and closeness and "best friend" thing... You give me hope that they won't! Thank you! #siblings

    1. Thank you. Oh, don't ever give up hope. These two have always been close and the older they get, the closer they are x

  21. Your photographs are always so gorgeous, what stunning girls.

  22. those beauties are going to have such a wonerful bond growing old together with pictures like those

    1. Thank you. I love their bond so much. I almost feel left out! x

  23. Gorgeous pictures. Our holiday has been the opposite with 90% of the time spent bickering!

    1. Oh no! I am sure these two will have their time when they are like that. x

  24. Those girls are beauts. White dresses though you are brave.

    1. Thank you! yes we are brave but i have lots of vanish spray ha x

  25. Your girls are so beautiful - I love the colour of their hair it's very striking! I've been meaning to join in with this linky for aaaages - will try to get myself in gear this month!

    1. Thank you Nell. I love their hair also. Yes you should, it is such an amazing linky x

  26. The mermaid hair, the fairy dresses, the whimsical setting, just beautiful!!

  27. OH, but these are sheer perfection as always. White dresses on little girls make me swoon.

    1. Thank you very much. So glad you like them x

  28. Your photos are fantastic! Gorgeous girls :) xx

  29. Aww so sweet. My three get on really well (most of the time!!) too and I love it - close siblings are the best!!

  30. These photos are so beautiful- it's so sweet how they got on so well :) I hope any children I have in the future are as close as your two girls!

  31. These photos are beautiful, love that they call each other best friends x

    1. Thanks Lauren. I love it too. Makes me heart swell every time x

  32. Beautiful photos Kerri! My girls call each other best friends too, lovely to hear even if they do have moments of bickering like old ladies over a cone of chips! They are so close and love to know where each other are, they are also so fond of their friday mornings at preschool together too. Lovely post, I love how we have bouts of nostalgia through watching our own children xxx

    1. HAHA that made me laugh. Yes they do. They can bicker for England but an hour later, they are cuddled up again ;) x

  33. I adore your photos, they have such a timeless quality about them

  34. awww this is so beautiful .. i remember doing the same thing with my sister .. the night time giggles were something that will always make me smile

    1. Thanks Jaime. I think i will actually be sad when they grow out of the night time giggles. It does make my heart swell a little :) x

  35. I think these are my favourite of yours EVER- absolutely stunningly beautiful. x

    1. oh wow! Thanks Katie. I do love these as well :) x

  36. Stunning photographs as ever - he girls seemed to have grown so much

    1. Thank you. Yes, i was looking back at last years Siblings photos and they have both grown so much! x



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