Wednesday 8 April 2015

For no reason at all

Sometimes i like to take photographs for no reason at all but to create and photograph. When i feel anxious or feel like my confidence is slipping away, i pick flowers and try and create beautiful images. It is like therapy and it always makes me feel better. I love styling and the editing afterwards. I have always loved creating images just because. For no reason at all except to be going through the motions of photography. In the summer, one of my favourite things is to take my camera with me out on my bike and to just take photographs. I photographed anything that i feel connected to. It could be the swans in the water or the birds flying in the sky or a patch of trees in a meadow. I love to capture and to keep those memories. I think that is why i love to photograph the girls so much. I love to try and always capture a part of them that i haven't managed to before. A certain facial expression or body movement that they do. I love to be able to tell a story or capture the most precious moment and to always have those images.

Creating something is in my blood whether it is a photograph, a cake or a flower crown. Just being able to make something myself, to create something completely new is so exciting and wonderful and i always feel so inspired. I feel a purpose and like i am achieving something. That i am doing it for a reason. To inspire someone else, to move someone or just to make someone smile. It is really all i can ask for. I love to photograph for no reason at all but when i do, i hope it inspires. I hope it does make someone smile or move someone.


  1. Great post, Keri-Anne! You're right - creating things is in your blood. Plenty of artists & musicians in your family tree!

  2. Lovely! I'm really trying to get into photography and am just discovering that feeling of getting absorbed in taking pictures of anything and everything.

    1. Thank you Jo. It really is an amazing thing to do. Photography really is so much more and can offer so much to everyone x

  3. I love that it's your therapy! Love these pics too, that dress is gorgeous xx

    1. Thank you darling! So glad you like them x

  4. Beautiful therapy :) I really love the close up shot of the flowers, dreamy x

  5. I think photography is therapeutic too and I notice how I'm always far more inspired when I go somewhere new, like when we're on holiday. Taking photographs helps me to appreciate and filter it all somehow as well as capturing memories and small details. Lovely images xx

    1. Thank you Kat. I am the same with new places. x

  6. Loved this post! It's good to see how much you feed your own inspiration :) The photos look so romantically pretty.



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