Monday 20 April 2015

Antique maps

I love creating wall features. Most of my walls are scattered with hanging lace dresses, botanical prints, garlands, flower crowns and flower fairy prints. Expressing myself through my home is something that i love to do. My home is not only the family home but it is now where i work from as well so being able to creating a space that inspires me as well is very important. I am constantly switching features around and creating new ones. I love my botanical wall the most. It is in our dining room and i love adding to it each season with flowers.

Something i really wanted to create was an old map feature. I love antique maps and i have been searching the web to find some old maps that i could use. I came across the most wonderful website, Wallpapered, that offered whole wall antique maps as a wallpaper. I love the idea of having a whole feature wall as one big map. It would be amazing for the girls to learn and i don't think you could ever really get bored of looking at a map. It is an idea that i would love to try out in our home. Even just a small space like in the hallway would be amazing and create a unique and open space.

this is a collaborative post


  1. Such a cute idea...although I have to agree... Think the botanical prints are my favourite!

  2. Oooo, a whole wall with that gorgeous coloured map!!!

  3. Holy cow your blog is gorgeous. Wow.

    - Allison



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