Wednesday 3 December 2014

Let's decorate a lonely tree

Day 2. Let's decorate a lonely tree.

Every day, the girls will get an activity in their handmade advent calendar. This is always my favourite one and one that we do every year. I filled up a basket full of decorations and collected the girls from preschool and school to head to the woods. I had a huge problem with my camera and it wouldn't turn on but luckily i kept my old slr for Elle, so i used that for some photographs. It was very strange using it after a few years of having a better model and i found a huge difference in the quality of the photographs but i love these captures.

I gave the girls the basket and they picked out a tree and got to work. They hung up all the baubles and then ran around the tree giggling and laughing. The girls were wearing the sweetest traditional coats by a company called Milou and Pilou and we just love them. We made sure we put all the decorations back in the basket at the end and had a talk about why we cannot leave the baubles on the tree. It would have been lovely to just leave it for other people to walk past but the activity in decorating in the first place makes the girls excited anyway. This is our favourite tradition. You can see our adventure from last year just here. I am already looking forward to next years one but i might add another sneaky one in before christmas. By my mums house, they have a country park that have tiny fir trees and i think i would love to take the girls there also to do their decorating.


  1. Just wonderful! We used to go for long walks up at our cottage on thanksgiving every year. We always did the same walk and on this walk there was a tree we would stop at and hang homemade decorations. It was such a beautiful tradition….these pictures brought back so many happy memories. Thank you:)

  2. How lovely. Maybe decorating with fruit rinds and peanut butter spread pinecones would mean you could leave them up and the birds could feast? In any case, it's a beautiful adventure you gave your girls, they are so lucky. I love their coats too, and especially the hat Mia is wearing.

  3. This is the most random but beautiful thing I have ever seen. The tree definitely looks happier to me x



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