Sunday 16 November 2014

Our fairy house

A few weeks ago, we went to a magic fairy event in the woods near us. One of the activities was to make a fairy house. Elle and her daddy made a little teepee out of sticks and wool string and it was so sweet. We had to leave it there and it is a private woods so i suggested to the girls that we make another in our own favourite woods.

This morning seemed a lovely time to venture out to make one. There was a nice fog in the air and we headed out with our basket full of string and little toadstools i picked up from the craft store. The girls hunted around for the perfect tree. They found a tree but right by it they spotted a baby slug. They hurried off and make a nest of leaves for the slug and put the slug in the nest. They named her Olivia.

We each had delegated jobs. Mia was in charge of collecting sticks together, Elle collected leaves to make the fairy garden and i sat myself down with some small sticks and wool and quickly made up a chair to put outside the house. I made a ladder for the first one we made but i felt like making a chair this time. It wasn't the best of chairs and it was wobbly but it was just perfect for the house and i am glad i made one up for it. So here is our house. We have left it there for other little boys and girls to see and we are going to visit after school tomorrow. We are hoping to take our friends there tomorrow also so the girls can show their friends their house. I think if i was walking through the woods and came across a little fairy house and garden, it would make my day so i hope someone comes across ours and it makes them smile!


  1. I love this idea. So simple to make a fairy house and I think we'll have to make one next time we're in the woods x

  2. Such a sweet idea to do as a family, you do the cutest things with your girls. x



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