Wednesday 19 November 2014

Dressing up

Having two girls means lots of dressing up, Disney princesses and fairy wings. If i would let them, they would both be in some kind of costume all day every day. Between them, they own most of the princess costumes and many tutus and ballet costumes and Mia is always asking Elle if she can wear her dresses. Mia even went to the doctors the other day to get her flu spray in fairy wings and holding a wand. Everyone in the waiting room thought she looked very cute! Mia has suddenly become really into dressing up and imaginative play and they will dress up together and act out little plays and stories in their rooms together. We also have two rocking horses that they love to ride on and pretend that they are either princesses or on a secret island trying to escape from sharks! Sometimes i just sit outside of their rooms and smile whilst listening to them playing together.  I sometimes even join in the plays with them. I am hoping to get the girls a few more outfits for christmas for dressing up. We love to get most of the girls fancy dress costumes and outfitsfor Christmas for dressing up from Tesco and I shall be heading to their online shop to see their Frozen range. Elle really wants an Elsa dress and Mia would love an Anna dress.

Having two girly girls is so much fun. I was such a tomboy when i was little and hardly ever dressed up. My sister loved to dress up and use to wear her prettiest dresses to nursery every day whilst i wore jeans and jumpers and normally a dirty face to go alongside it as i loved climbing trees so much. I love watching them together, in their own little world and both really being in sync with each other. I love seeing this bond growing stronger and stronger and i just love seeing little tutu's twirling around and just hope that they never ever outgrow that tutu twirling, tiara wearing stage!

(Written for Tesco)


  1. I'd love to see your girls as those Disney Princesses. Love their ballet tutus! x

  2. Lovely pics. My daughter loves to dress up too. It is so cute.

  3. So, so lovely! If I could get away with it, I'd dress like that every day! xo

  4. Ah the joys of having girls - we've got a pretty good collection of Princess dresses too and the one set of presents that I've bought so far are the Anna and Elsa dresses (though mine came from Matalan) and I'm so looking forward to seeing them all dressed up on Christmas Day!

  5. THese pictures are reallu really amazing! It looks like a fairy story book, and your girls couldn´t be any cuter! I have three girls and can relate soo much to this post and the dressing up! Just wish I had a forst like that to take pictures!!!



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