Sunday 23 November 2014


The past month has been a very busy one indeed! My husband had mostly been travelling around Europe with work and i have been running everything at home as much as one person can with two children, two cats, a crazy dog and a house that seems to get it's self into a mess as soon as it has been tidied! Gilles turned 30 last week and i cannot wait for him to come home later this week so we can celebrate properly. He works so hard!

Halloween and bonfire night have flown past. We watched the fireworks in the park opposite our house and the girls loved it (and loved getting to stay up late on a school night!). We are so excited for christmas here. I have been busy working on an advent calendar for the girls which i have finally finished. I shall be sharing it this week on the blog. I am excited to start our daily activities in December and making the lead up to christmas all that much more magical. I am also looking forward to having some time with my husband. He comes back for a few days before heading off again for a week or so, so we have a date day planned on thursday which i am very much looking forward too. It will be nice to have some one to one time and not be a housewife or mummy for a few hours!



  1. The windmill photo is beautiful! A work of art x

  2. I wrote a long comment and now it is gone... oh well...I love the photos. It is good to hear that you have a date coming up. Keeps your Love alive. Looking forward to more pics.

  3. danke für die wunderschönen bilder und inspirationen!!!
    alles liebe von angie aus deutschland

  4. I loved all of these Kerri-Anne you are so talented. The one of your littlest and her Daddy is just stunning. x



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