Thursday 2 October 2014

Me and them

Me and them.

Last Saturday, we went to the heather field. I have already posted the photographs that i took of the girls but i wanted to share with you the photographs that my best friend, Hannah, did of me and the girls. I love having photographs of us together. I love having photographs of us me but it is very rare as i am normally the one behind the camera. I am starting to grab these opportunities as they arise now because having photographs of me with the girls is something that i cherish and i completely love these photographs of us in our happy place.

I will always be grateful to Hannah. Everytime she is with me and the girls, she always manages to just capture the most wonderful moments of us together. Ever since the girls were young, she just spends her days with us snapping away and helping me create these memories for them for when they are older. Some of my most favourite images are her photographs of us and my two little ladies and knowing that she loves them just as much as i do means the world to me. I cannot wait to return the favour when she has her own baby and i can help her create the most amazing memories for her own babes.



  1. The three of you are just lovely together. So nice to see. <3

  2. These photos are beautiful and it's lovely to see you in front of the camera rather than behind it x

  3. Absolutely stunning photos as always lovely- these are some of my favourites. I need to get more photos of me and my girls together. x

  4. thinking of you sweetness xx I loved your shots from here and it's so fun to see Hannah's too :) You three are the most magical beings xxx I love the legs in the heather and the last pics of you blowing magic petals over the girls :)



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