Tuesday 30 September 2014

Drawings of the girls

                                                           (instagram - @faerieflies)

(Instagram - @moniquedong)

(Instagram - @stephaniepriscilla)

(Instagram - @deesarts)

(Instagram - @moniquedong)

(Instagram - @apocketofwhimsy)

(Instagram- @stephaniepriscilla)

(Instagram - @ssong1231)

Instagram is my most favourite social media account and i have been so lucky and fortunate to have the most wonderful people follow me. Over the last few months, i have had people drawing pictures of Elle and Mia and being inspired by them. I am always so grateful and it is always lovely to k now that my girls inspire artists with their work and that people would want to draw them. I adore this collection of the artwork that people have done and i am so happy to be able to share them on here! The girls always love looking at the pictures and getting excited. They are such great momentums for them when they are older and they already have some printed out for their bedrooms!

1 comment

  1. What wonderful drawings and such things to treasure. Beautiful! x



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