Wednesday 10 September 2014

Siblings {september}

Even if you were upside down
I would be beside you
And your world were a strange thing found
I would be beside you

In my symbolised world I'm a beautiful girl
In my house on the hill there is room for you still

When there’s nothing but darkened sound
I will be beside you
When there’s nothing but the long way round
I will be beside you

In my simplified world we're a boy and a girl
In my house on the hill there is room for you still

I’ll be everywhere you go, you go, you go
I'll be everywhere you go, you go, you go

When there’s nothing but roaring sound
I will be beside you
When there’s nothing but the long drop down
I will be beside you

When your fears are a swarm in the hive of your mind
When the tears of your life and your loss are entwined 

I'll be everywhere you go, you go, you go 
I'll be everywhere you go, you go, you go 

(Beside you - Phildel)

"Siblings" is a monthly link up where myself and 9 other bloggers all share a photo of their children and then we each send you off to look at another blog. You can then go around in a circle, viewing all of the wonderful photographs and then why not link up yourself if you have two  children or more! This month, i am sending you over to Chloe over at Sorry about the mess who has the sweetest little boys. You will want to stay on her blog all day!



  1. Lovely photos with beautiful words.c

  2. Oh they are gorgeous photos - and very apt and very true words too!

  3. Lovely lovely lovely photos, just the sort of ones I love Keri-Annie x

  4. Gorgeous photos with beautiful words.

  5. Your photos are always so dreamy xxx I love these

  6. beautiful photos as always, and so are those words x

  7. Such gorgeous photos, what an amazing location! Such lovely words too xx

  8. Wow, beautiful photos. They will cherish these posts when they're older (and I'm sure you will too).

  9. Your photos, and girls, are just beautiful! Now following on Bloglovin - a beautiful blog x

  10. wow you have some stunning locations by you Keri-Anne! beautiful as ever x

  11. Such beautiful beautiful photos, your girls are going to be so lucky to look back on all of these x



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