Sunday 10 August 2014

Siblings {August}

This is the story about two little fairy girls. One with long red curls and one with long honey ringlets. One's favourite colour was pink whilst the others favourite colour was purple. Elle was five and Mia was three. They loved each other more than anything else in the world...

..I just cannot wait to see how this story develops. How they impact on the others lives and they this amazing little friendship will grow.

"Siblings" is a monthly link up where myself and 9 other bloggers all share a photo of their children and then we each send you off to look at another blog. You can then go around in a circle, viewing all of the wonderful photographs and then why not link up yourself if you have two  children or more! This month, i am sending you over to Hayley at Shutterflies, another of my favourite blogs! She takes the most wonderful, enchanting photographs and you will just love her blog!! 

dear beautiful



  1. Aww it sounds like a start of a fairy story! Beautiful photos as always; I love hydrangeas anyway but those are stunningly huge and beautiful, and the perfect backdrop for your gorgeous daughters!

  2. Adorable - the photos and the words. I love the backdrop to their friendship too, just lovely x

  3. These photos are so gorgeous! Wow, just amazing! x

  4. They are just so sweet together. :)

  5. Gorgeous photos. Love those flowers and their little jelly sandals. <3

  6. I love these photos, my husband and I often wish one of ours had my red locks but no such luck. What beautiful sisters, they will thank you for these amazing photographs when they are older ;)

  7. These photos are so beautiful and I love the words you have written to go with them. I often think the same about my two...I don't know exactly how their relationship will develop but I'm so excited to see it happen. #siblings

  8. Really beautiful photos, and words. Siblings, the great relationship

  9. Absolutely beautiful Kerri-Ann. Your girls and photography are stunning. x

  10. Awwww I love the idea behind this and your photos a gorgeous! I'm definitely taking part next month :)

  11. Lovely photos! The flowers are so beautiful :)



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