Monday 18 August 2014

Our Norfolk holiday

(All iphone pictures)

Last week, the girls and i went to Norfolk with my aunty, uncle and cousin. We stayed at Wells next the sea in a lovely house by the harbour. Norfolk is such a beautiful place. It is full of golden and wild flower fields. I found so many wonderful places to take photographs and there were many meadows and farmers fields that we just couldn't get into that i wish we could have. I wanted to share some on my iphone snaps with you all as i still have so many digital images to look through! The girls had a great time. We went to Dinosaur world, the arcades, the beach, pensthorpe wildlife gardens and on little adventures for photographs. On Friday, we went to the wildlife reserve and gardens and i spied some heather fields in the distance that i was desperate to get to. I resounded myself to the fact that i wouldn't find any and then on the way home, i saw a purple field in the distance and took a little detour to try and find it. I managed to find it and came across the most wonderful nature reserve with a heather field that ponies roamed around. We were in heaven and i didn't want to leave! I am seriously thinking about driving the two hours next week to go back for a photoshoot of the girls in the meadow.

My favourite day is when the girls and i went on a little trip to my favourite beach, Holkham, which was the next beach around along the pine trees. It was one of those mornings where you just feel such peace and happiness. The girls explored the pine woods first and found a teepee that they played in. It was high tide, so as we got down onto the sand, the water was so close and formed channels and streams up to the main beach. I love Holkham beach because it is covered in sea lavender and the girls loved paddling amongst it and finding "sea treasure". We went walked back through the woods and picked some blackberries on the other side. The weather wasn't that great last week. It was extremely windy and we had spots of rain most days, but when the sun did shine, it was warm and lovely and we got out and just had a wonderful adventure. It is great to be with my husband now though. He couldn't come due to work but he has this week off to spend time with us and we have lovely days planned! I am excited to look at the rest of my digital images and share them with you during the week.


  1. Oh wow how beautiful - it looks like it was a wonderful adventure!

  2. We were there a few weeks ago! I LOVE Wells and the surrounding area. (Would move there like a shot given half a chance...) Have you discovered the wonderful "Stiffkey Stores" in the next village along? We stayed near it and visited each morning for coffee!

    1. How wonderful! I have been three times now and cannot wait to go back! No, i haven't been to that stores. Which village was it? xxx

  3. Such beautiful landscapes. The colours in the last two photos are superb. I don't think I have ever been to Norfolk, but It sounds lovely.

  4. Your pictures are divine! Like Melissa, I've never visited Norfolk, but it looks and sounds like an intriguing place.

  5. The heather is so beautiful. I love Norfolk it just is so far to get to from here. We went to Wells a few years ago and loved it... I hope you do take the trip back!! (I selfishly want to see more photos!) Lovely.

  6. Such amazing photos hun. I am glad you had a lovely time x

  7. Stunning've captured the countryside and the girls so beautifully x

  8. the scenery is so pretty. I love the colour of the shrubs there

  9. Norfolk is such a beautiful part of the country and not too far away from us really. Your photos are stunning as always. xx

  10. The heather is so beautiful at the moment. I'm not surprised you made a special effort to photograph it.

  11. It's a lovely part of the world and you've captured it beautifully

  12. That shade of purple is so striking. Lovely photos, as always. :)

  13. What a stunning location for a holiday - your photographs are beautiful

  14. What amazing scenery , such amazing clicks. Picture perfect like postcards.

  15. Stunning pictures! Your girls have such a fab long hair :)

  16. Amazingly pretty! Newbie reader over here. Lovely lovely blog. I saw your DIY crowns on Pinterest and making them as we speak. Happy to have found you darling, xo

  17. I love heather and those photos are gorgeous. My grandmother was called Heather and my daughter has it for one of her middle names :)

  18. I bought a photography magazine and it said about location and height (amongst many things) and I did think of your photos. I love how the scene always feels so amazing. Looks like a lot of fun too.



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