Thursday 21 August 2014

Artful blogging feature

I am so very excited to share my Artful Blogging feature which came out at the beginning of August. Many many months ago, i had an email from the magazine asking to feature my photographs of the girls and asking me to write an article. I wrote the article based around how i am bringing up the girls and how having my blog and inspiring sites and aps such as pinterest and instagram have really helped inspire me to be the best mother i can. I put my heart and soul into the article and i am so very proud of it. I am just honoured to have been asked and excited for others to see and read my words. Oh, and to have my name on the front page of a published magazine is pretty much a dream come true!!!


  1. well done! Will look out for the magazine but fear that it will be one if those horribly expensive ones again :-(

  2. Congratulations! It looks beautiful. I am lucky my library stocks Artful Blogging.

  3. I bought this issue a couple weeks ago, just to see the feature about you! I love your blog. Congrats!

  4. Well done. It looks beautiful. I'm off to seek out a copy. I always find your blog so inspiring.

  5. I bet you were sooooo excited to get that through the post :-) Your photos look fantastic blown up and put in a mag, huge well done to you x



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