Monday 26 May 2014

Let's have an adventure VIIII - the windmill

Childhood memories are so important to me. I love revisiting places i went to as a child and just remembering. Remembering the days and the innocence and remembering how wonderful life really can be. Standing in a windmill field, surrounded by meadows and singing birds and clouds rolling for miles and miles. Driving to my aunties house, i had such a huge smile on my face. Bon Iver was playing in the car and the girls were in the back, so excited to see a windmill and the christmas tree farm. We drove out of the town and into countryside. Somewhere where i feel at peace and somewhere where no matter how stressed you feel or anxious you feel, just driving through those lanes seems to make everything drift away. Sometimes, i never want to leave. Yesterday was one of those days!

"let's have an adventure" is a link up where you can share your latest adventures with everyone.The link up  goes live on the 26th of each month. We would love to have you join us and help us create this wonderful community of fellow adventurer's!!!!




  1. Beautiful post and wonderful memories. Love you xx

  2. aw what fabulous memories in pictures for you, those girls have amazing hair colour xx

  3. Gorgeous photos as always! I love the girls hair! x

  4. I try to take my children back I places I really enjoyed as a child too - it's often the fields and parks that I made the most memories x

  5. these photos might be some of my favourites yet! they look like the sort of thing that inspires spring-like impressionist paintings.

    childhood memories are really important to me too. i don't have many good ones, but they're (the good ones obviously haha) are really cherished :)

  6. That windmill in lovely! Don't see that many now....lovely pics and memories

  7. That looks like so much fun - you have some great places to visit near you x x

  8. That first picture is wonderful! I have fond memories of adventures like this with my brother when we were growing up.

  9. beautiful pictures, I used to love going on adventures. Great to have all those memories x

  10. Beautiful photos as always! We love adventures :)

  11. Beautiful pictures. There is something magical about revisiting old childhood haunts with your own children.

  12. What some beautiful pictures, I completely agree as well it is amazing revisiting childhood haunts :) x

  13. I visited a place from my childhood recently too! This place looks beautiful, the yellow flowers are gorgeous and the first picture of both of them in their matching hats is adorable :)

  14. We often go to a house and gardens that I remember visiting as a child and I love the thought that we are creating similar memories for our children. Beautiful pictures x

  15. I am glad you had a lovely day hun. Beautiful pictures as always x

  16. Where is that windmill......have great memories of exploring one in Sussex as a child. Gorgeous pics x

  17. its really a shame but i dont remember much from childhood, sometimes when i chat with my cousin she reminds me of what we used to do as kids, but most of the things as if were wiped out(

  18. you are providing your girls with such a beautiful, magical childhood, how blessed they are.

  19. So gorgeous makes me wish I was a kid again .x

  20. Looks like a great place to explore.

  21. This looks like a beautiful place to explore. I adore the windmill.

  22. Your photos are always so magical. Love them all.

  23. Love your pictures and I love that there is still a working windmill near you. There are lots of old ones near us but none are working :(



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