Tuesday 4 February 2014


-I finally got my car last week. I wrote a few posts ago about how i struggled driving it because the clutch control is completely different to what i learnt in, but i have been practicing every day and i seem to have mastered my little car (which Elle has named Poppy!). I drove to my sisters yesterday with just Mia in the car, along the duel carriage way and country roads and i did fine! We sang out hearts out to the disney princess cd and it seemed to relax me. I have planned a trip to visit my grandma and aunty in the next county on friday and cannot wait to get back out along the country roads!

-Now i have a car and more freedom to be able to get to places, i am trying to address my anxiety issues with meeting new people. I keep telling myself that i will get out and meet new people when i have a car and now i do, i have no excuse not too. My mum came with me to a mums and tots group last week and i am going to go back this week on my own and, hopefully, talk to other mums. I don't know what it is that stops me from just walking up to people and talking but i just clam up and avoid eye contact and it's not fair on Mia to not get out and meet other children, so i have to suck it up and just go for it.

-I have been thinking about my 52 week project that i am doing. Every monday, i participate in the Living arrows project where we take a photo a week of our children and, to keep the pressure of myself, i am going to stop the weekly portrait posts and did a fortnightly living arrows post where i show the last two weeks photos. I love the photos i have taken already of the girls but with Elle being at school all day, it's harder to get pictures for both projects. I don't want to feel forced to take photos and will enjoy getting the perfect picture for the week a lot more this way.

-I have started inital work on my e-book and i am so excited about it. I think i need a few hours, sitting in a lovely cafe, to carry on with my planning!!!

-I have also started planning a new photo series to start this year now that i have finished my fairy series! I shall be sharing more information soon :)


  1. You've loads going on! Hope you manage to get back to the mum & tots group, and are comfortable there x

    1. Thank you. I was supposed to go this morning, but the weather was awful and i wasnt confident taking the car out just yet x

  2. Yay! Glad the car's going well. The road to Grandmas goes through villages, so lots of skiing to 30m/hr... And speed cameras to make sure you do! ;)
    See you on Friday.

    I found it easier to talk to the children at toddler group. Their mummies usually join in and it gives you something to talk about (their game or toy). Good luck! X

    1. Thank you aunty. 30 is my preferred speed so i will not be speeding through any villages ;) x

  3. I love the photographs - so whimsical ♥

    I always sing when I'm driving, I read somewhere that people who sing whilst driving are safer drivers. Well done for getting to grips with the clutch! xx

    1. I have found i do too now ha :) And use the steering wheel as a drum at traffic lights ;) x

  4. congrats on the new car!! lovely photos


  5. so i write this long comment and then it is gone.. Good for you the car thing is working. Lovely pics as always. Projects are sometimes hard to find time for. Sometimes there is time but no ideas and the other way around. My 100 days of black and white is not going so well at the moment. I often ends up taking it just before i go to bed. I have no ideas, my head is empty after blowing my nose a million times. Yes i am sick again, sore throat and a fever... oh well it is this time of year... i am looking forward to spring. I think meeting up with other mothers with kids is a great idea. Looking forward to hear all about it and your car adventures... and ofcours your lovely pics. / xx

    1. sorry it disappeared! How strange. Thank you. I hope you feel better soon. It is an awful time of the year and i cannot wait for spring either xxxxxx

  6. I find talking to other people at tots groups impossible, you are not alone! Your photographs are wonderful and I can't wait to see what you have planned for your photo project. I find that weekly photograph projects are difficult because I don't want to force good pictures. The idea of doing it fortnightly is much better. I have no idea how anyone does a 365!

    1. I am glad i am not the only one! I really dont understand why i find it so difficult! I just clam up and hide away x

  7. beautiful photos as always! bet it's so exciting to be able to drive!

  8. Lovely post and beautiful photography - it's good to know you are facing up to a fear and going out more now you have a car. Looking forward to hearing more about your e-book

    Laura x

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely comment xxxxxxxxx

  9. Beautiful photographs. Looks like you have lots going on creatively at the moment. What a fulfilling space to be in. :)

    1. Thank you, yes i have. I am glad i am managing to get myself back into my creative projects x

  10. Gorgeous pictures, as always. When I visit your blog and see pictures of your girls playing together - tea parties, trains, stamping in puddles - I feel nostalgic for the old days as they remind me so much of my girls when they were younger. Toddler groups are quite daunting aren't they? I hope you manage to find a good one, where people are welcoming :)

  11. totally agree on the 52 AND living arrows. It's just a bit much isn't it! x

    1. It is, i am glad i made the decision as i was struggling to keep up x

  12. Good luck! The more you drive, the more confident you will feel about it, I promise.

    I think a lot of people get the collywobbles about baby & toddler groups - I am so glad not to do that stuff any more. The good thing about talking to people is that at least you all have small children in common so that is a good conversation starter in itself. And always remember that the other mums are most likely just as nervous as you, if not more so.

  13. Sounds like you are busy busy busy!! Love the photos :)

  14. I could have write this post 4 years ago. Join some toddler or mum and baby classes and bite the bullet

    1. Thank you Jen, i have and i really like it x

  15. lovely pictures! i wish i could drive/afford to. i always tell myself i'd go places and take nice photos, but i guess it's easy to let your fears get the best of you and stay in. hopefully the more you get used to it (even if it's a little at a time) the more confident you will become :)

    1. It took me years to pluck up the courage to start lessons and it is the best thing i could have done x

  16. Lovely photos! Wow you do sounds busy :) I need to learn to drive this year and it definitely limits where you can go. The ebook sounds exciting too x

    1. It does. I live in the town centre and so glad i can get out to the countryside now x

  17. Wow, I love your photos...really idyllic childhood snaps with a bit of a fairytale feel to them...they're brilliant!

  18. Congrats on the new car, and starting your e-book. The photos are beautiful - so atmospheric!

  19. Really beautiful photos! You do sound busy though! x

  20. Gosh lots of exciting things happening! So glad you've got used to the car, that's great news. Love the name too - POD is a Poppy. Wonderful photos as per too :)

  21. Gorgeous photos and love all your busy plans x x

  22. I hate toddler groups with a passion. Perhaps join a smaller group where you know the people will be the same each week? We did baby swimming and Sing and Sign and managed to make some friends over the weeks. Good luck!

    1. I am starting to see that. It really is stressful and i am going to start taking Mia swimming :) x

  23. Beautiful photos. I only passed my test a couple of years ago, aged 26 and I still love driving. The novelty hasn't worn off yet! x

    1. Thank you Jess. I don't think the novelty will ever wear off either! x

  24. Beautiful photos as always. Well done on getting used to using the Clutch, it's hard going from one car to another. I also sing while driving! :-) Like your Aunty suggested, I also prefer to talk to the children at Mums and Toddlers too, then the parents. Also, it may look like they're all old friends or in a clique, but they may have only just met and at least one of them (probably far more!) will be feeling exactly the same way as you! Good luck! xxx

  25. Congrats on mastering the art of driving already! I still can't fight my fears about it. I hope you get to go to more places and have fun around :)

    On a side note, I wish you lot of success in meeting new people. I don't know you, but I'm pretty sure other mums would love to get to know you. I know I would (if I had kids and lived in England :)

    1. Thank you so much! That is a lovely thing to say x

  26. These photos are so whimsical, I love them!

    I've struggled so many times with the feeling of being scared to meet new people and I used to be terrified by the groups. I'm in no way confident enough to go over to other people and start up conversations, but I always find that the friendships that are worth having are the ones that don't have to be forced. I met a few of my good mum friends at a children's centre, but we only got talking because our boys were a bit rough with each other so we apologised and realised we had at least that in common! Then it just went from there! Good luck with it though, it's a tough one!

    1. Thank you for that. I understand about the not forcing it. xxx

  27. What beautiful children and photos! I sympathise getting used to a new car can be horrible!

  28. Gorgeous snaps! Once you've done that first initial drive it's all uphill from there! :)

  29. I love your photo's - wooden train track is always out in our house and I swear the track gets longer every time

  30. some beautiful photos there - I am in love with your flooring!!

  31. Congrats on starting the eBook - can't wait to see it. Beautiful, magical pics as always x



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