Thursday 30 January 2014


Elle - Asleep yesterday after a busy evening at her school doing a maths workshop.
Mia - She has become obsessed with her "raindrella" and wants to walk around with it up every where she is!

I cannot believe we are nearly at the end of January already. This month has just flown by but i am so glad i have managed to keep up with all the little projects i am participating in. In other news, i got my first car yesterday. I went out this morning in it. I had a few problems, as the clutch control is completely different than the car i learnt in, so i stalled at most junctions i came to and got beeped at by a lot of cars. It really knocked my confidence, but i am going back out tomorrow around quieter roads to practice start and stopping to figure out the car so that this weekend, i can take the girls on an adventure.


  1. Lovely photos! "Raindrella" is a wonderful word.

    I remember similar problems with my first car. The gears were all different too, so it did take a bit of getting used to. Good for you, not panicking & giving up! X

  2. Gorgeous gorgeous photographs. Great news you have a car, congratulations. Ignore the beepers and as you say just find somewhere quiet for a practice. You'll be absolutely fine x

  3. Love your sweet girls!
    Ignore the other cars. It was the same for me, but after I decided, I won't listen to the beeps anymore, it went better
    I'm sure the beepers had the same problem at their beginning! Take care! x

  4. a raindrella! so sweet. As for driving, take your time and don't let other people get to you, it is hard but before you know it you'll be pootling about without realising how you got from A to B and be a natural! x

    1. Thank you so much. I have already gained so much more confidence :) x

  5. Yay - well done to you. Don't let them knock your confidence - tomorrow is another day and you will soon be a pro!

  6. I love the photograph with the raindrella! Definitely been needed this week :)

    Hope you have fun in your first outing in the new car. I remember well driving my own car for the first time and how strange it felt - but exhilerating too! Take it easy and enjoy the ride x

    1. Oh, it really has and looks like it is out to stay this week too ha! x

  7. Two gorgeous photos, as always. Loving the one under the 'raindrella'! Good luck with the car - sounds nerve-racking :(

  8. Well done on your first car and don't let the impatient people get to you. Love your photos, always so beautiful. x

  9. Good luck with getting used to your new car. We have one too, and I still haven't figured out how to start it without setting the alarm off! I somehow managed to lock us all inside this morning, too, and a neighbour had to rescue us....

    1. haha, glad i am not the only one. I have improved a lot and kinda figured it out a little now. xxx

  10. That photo of Mia is amazing and well done on your first car

  11. I remember the first time I got into my car - I made it home and cried that I couldn't do it as it was so different, now you would never know, I'm sure I'll probably feel the same with the next again :) Gorgeous pictures :) x

    1. Thank you for that, it makes you realise you are not a lone. I am slowly getting there and have been on alone journeys this week :) x

  12. I am with you... where the heck has January gone. Holy cow.. we will be in February tomorrow. Time flies when you are having fun

  13. Lovely photographs of your girls.

    And good luck getting more confidence on the road! Different clutches are always a nightmare, but you'll soon get used to it!

  14. Good luck with the driving, I remember I was terrified the first time I got in a car after I passed my test! The more you practice the better you will get so try not to worry about it. Beautiful photos, I do love a good sleeping pic, so peaceful.

  15. Stick with it with the driving - you'll soon feel like it's as natural as riding a bike x

    1. thank you, i am starting to get there :) x

  16. Ah...don't let rude drivers take away your confidence! I just laugh when I do something rather "stupid" that ticks other drivers off. They all really need to chill! xoxo Jen

  17. You hang in there and don't worry about all those impatient people out there. How easily they forget the time when they too were new drivers! Btw, get a nice green P-plate for your car if you haven't already. Good luck x

    1. Thank you .I now have nice p plates on my car :) x

  18. Your girls are so beautiful. I can't get over how much Mia looks like you! <3 xoxo

  19. First car - how exciting! I got a new car this week and its like driving a tank But i love will soon get used to it xxx

    1. Thank you. I just have a little car. I think i might cry in a bigger one ha! x

  20. Just keep on practicing with the car. It will be fine. Lovely pics:)

  21. Well done on your first car... keep practicing and you will feel 100% confident in no time... and remember it is just a car! It will do what you ask it to do... at least most of the time :-)

    1. Thank you, i am getting there now and really enjoying it xxx

  22. You take such stunning photos. Congrats on the new car - I'm sure you'll settle into it in no time x

  23. I adore the dress/bow/collar combo. <3 xoxo



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