Wednesday 16 October 2013

To dream

I want to fill their world with fantasy so that, someday, they have the confidence and courage to dream as big as their hearts desire. I want them to know that it is ok to talk to tiny little woodland animals. I want them to know that it is ok to want to be an astronaut because they believe that there are more planets waiting to be discovered. I want them to know that it is ok to be different. If they want to write books about magical far away lands, they can or if they want to paint a garden with one hundred different types of flowers, they can. Their hearts are so so big and there are so many wonderful things that they can fill it with. I will always be behind them, letting them grow and letting them shine with my heart over spilling with pride and love. They are going to remarkable little girls. I can see it already. I can see them shining as bright as the moon and being the best of friends their whole lives. And once they have shown the world who they are, i will still be there with huge open arms, just in case they need ever need their mother to catch them.



  1. This is beautiful, and exactly how I feel about my babies. Before I had children I thought I would want my children to have the very best of everything, but now I am an actually mother, my dreams are different. I just want happiness and fulfilment for them. I don't care if they are rich or clever, just that they do what ever makes their souls sing. x

    1. Thank you so much Lucy! I am the same, all i want is them to be safe and happy. I want to guide them as much as i can and give them the foundation to become what ever they want x

  2. This is lovely - it's by and large how my parents raised my sister and I; to find a dream and chase it, and I can only hope that my girls learn to trust happiness above everything else.

    1. Thank you very much. I think that is the best way to bring children up. Children, nowadays, are being made to grow up so quickly and i want to keep them little for as long as i can x

  3. So beautiful and I feel just the same way about my babies :) xx

  4. Lucy was right to share, this is beautiful, very inspiring, thank you for sharing xxx

    1. Thank you very much. I am so grateful that she shared! xxxxxx

  5. Oh miss K, i am so honored to know such a beautiful, stunning mum like you. Love to you all xx


    1. Thank you M! It means a lot to me that you think that, thank you x



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