Tuesday 8 October 2013


Lately has been mostly about trying to get myself into a routine with this school malarky! I am not liking this one bit even though Elle completely loves it and is thriving like anything. I am still taking driving lessons and have booked my driving test for December! I am SO excited and have been spending many hours watching youtube videos on driving tests. Yep, i am that kinda girl! It never really bothered me that i didn't drive, but since starting lessons and realising i have all this freedom ahead of me, it has made me feel very trapped and claustrophobic. It feels like everything is being put on hold until i pass that test. I will be able to visit friends, have a sister day once a week as my sister lives half hour away, take Mia to the indoor play centres and basically just have more of a life instead of being stuck right in the middle of the town centre. I am itching to have that piece of paper that says i have passed my test and i am willing december to get here now so i can do my test and fingers crossed i pass.

I have been having a blast with Mia. We spent this morning dancing and bouncing her up and down on my legs! The house is getting messy and my laundry pile is getting bigger but i am loving this time with her! I am going to start taking her swimming and enroll her in gymnastic classes after christmas. So many wonderful things i can do with her! I have never really had one to one time with her and now i have, i am discovering this whole new side of her. She is completely funny and crazy and clever and so caring but with a touch of her sister's feistyness!


  1. beautiful photos {as always!} good luck on your driving test! I can't drive either, would love to learn, but just can't afford it at the minute. One day!

    1. Thank you dear. I am so pleased i started lessons! It is pricey and we are not left with a lot after my lessons are paid as my lessons and an hour and a half each week instead of an hour, but i will be passed sooner and love it :)

  2. Best of luck on your driving test! It really does open up so many options when you can drive! I love your acorn necklace!

    1. Thank you! I am very much looking forward to passing :) x

  3. You can see so much of Elle in Mia!
    Good luck passing your driving test. I think 2014 will finally be the year I learn to drive, I've been thinking about it for quite a while but always felt too nervous. I think now is the time, my desire to get out and about is overcoming my worries about learning!

  4. love all of these pictures. such a talent.
    ahhh i'm due to start driving lesson and i'm so nervous, but like you craving the freedom. here's hoping the freedom outweighs the fear when it comes to my first lesson. good luck with passing! :)

  5. Gorgeous photos as always Kerri-Anne. x



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