Sunday 13 October 2013

A miniature teaparty

Today, we had a miniature teaparty with Elle's fairies and animals whilst Mimi napped. We used little acorns and teacups. After the teaparty, we packaged up a few of the acorns to send to some friends to make them smile. I am more and more blown away by Elle's imagination every day!


  1. Oh my goodness! This is so so so adorable! Can your life with your girls get any cuter! It makes me happy to see something like this especially as so many kids nowadays just sit in playing video games/computers. Just love your magical little posts xxx

  2. So cute! We went acorn hunting the other day, my little girl has been making 'acorn soup' with them! Love how she is using them as fairy cups x

  3. So very adorable! I remember having similar fairy figurines as a little girl. :) Your kids are beautiful. xo

  4. How sweet! I had a acorn top bowl when I played with little things. It contained a tiny ball of yarn and two straight pins, criss-crossed. So dear!

  5. This is so sweet! I remember doing this sort of thing when I was that age- love the photos :)

  6. So lovely.I love playing with acorn tops. They always make perfect dolls hats too!

  7. Aw this is so lovely, and you are just so talented when it comes to your photography. I love looking at your posts. x

  8. This is one of the most beautiful things on the internet. I love your photography, and all that red hair.

  9. You know how i adore this dear K :) So special, i love seeing Elle's floor up close too and the red specks in it :) Now my dollys want to have a tea party with you girls.

    M x



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