Sunday 6 October 2013

An autumn picnic

Today felt so much like summer! We awoke to wonderful sunshine and Elle asked if we could go for a picnic. We packed up a little basket of food and headed off to the meadows. It was just so nice to get out with them both and sit under the acorn tree and have that time. Since Elle has started school, i have been really really missing her. Our days, before she started school, were all about adventures and going out everyday exploring or crafting or dancing around like loons in the front room. It has been hard as it feels like my little side kick has been taken away and today just made me realise even more how much i miss her.

It is great to have that one to one with Mia but it doesn't make the missing any easier. I can tell that Mia also misses her because when Elle is around, she lights up! I am taking Mia out for a little picnic this week, just the two of us. I don't want to waste these days and the time with her and all of the things i have taught Elle about nature, i now want to share with her. She has become so curious about her surroundings and i am excited to teach her.


  1. Oh my goodness actually adorable and you can just tell how much they love each other it's so so sweet! I just admire your way of life and photography so much xxx

  2. Your family is so beautiful and you can feel the love you have for your children shining through in each picture ♥ you are a wonderful mama!

  3. Oh my. You always amaze me with what you capture and say dear, this has really been such a joyful post to see and read. Your girls sure are growing into the most lovely ladies, grand work my dear, grand work. xx

    1. Thank you sweet M. I am so glad you love this post x

  4. Such a beautiful post my dear! Love everything about it. Xxx

  5. Elle's curls in the first photo actually make me melt.
    I just know I'm going to be like this when my little man goes off to preschool and then big school, he's my little buddy and I know his sister and I will miss him terribly. It's nice to take advantage of weekends to have together time. x

    1. Oh, me too! I love her ringlettes so much! x

  6. Lovely pictures and wonderful late summer/early autumn feeling in these!

  7. Oh so Lovely. Feels so romantic and pure. Love hem all!

  8. Your girls are the sweetest <3

    Jennie xo |

  9. Your photography is so beautiful. I want to live in your world. :)

  10. These are so beautiful and dreamy like!

  11. Oh my goodness, these photos are SO SO SO gorgeous! x

  12. OH my goodness these are beautiful, you can tell how much your sisters love each other just like mine do too. x

  13. Oh my goodness I am only 18 but whenever I read your blog posts I imagine starting my own little magical family someday! I see the way you make the most out of everything with these girls and it's so inspiring to see! I will be teaching my little ones about nature and magic (especially the fairies) as well!

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