Wednesday 14 August 2013

DIY: A fairy tree house

Elle and i have been working on little bits for our fairy house. We have been collecting twigs and twine to make little chairs and tables. I thought it would be lovely to make up a little fairy tree house for Elle and Mia to play with. I wanted to share this as a tutorial but didn't take step by step photos as i just made it up as i went a long.

You will need a few twigs that branch off, a teacup, some thread, some fabric and if you wanted, some weeds or little flowers and some soil.

We went to the park to gather some twigs and i spent quite some time mixing and matching them to find the best shape possible to add in the swing and some bunting. I was finally happy, so i tied together the ends. I picked some soil from the garden and filled a teacup, watering it slightly to keep the twigs in place. I also picked some weeds and had these little pink weeds growing in the soil so they were the perfect addition to the soil to make it look like a little garden.
Once i had placed the twigs in the soil, i made the swing. I cut off a little bit of twig to make the swing and then just tied thread to the ends of the twig and secured the swing onto the twig branch.
To make the bunting, i cut out some fabric triangles and used a needle and thread to string them together and then attaching the ends to the branch twigs.

It is quite simple to do and you can add what ever you like to your tree house. I wanted to keep it simple and loved how it has turned out. Elle has done her own tree house too. I gave her some little fabric stars and needle and thread and she strung up her own bunting and tied her own swing to the branches using a pipe cleaner. You could put a few little bits out for them to decorate the tree house with. This is such a lovely afternoon activity. A walk to the park first to find the perfect twigs and maybe some flowers and little leaves, followed by the making. Elle has already asked if she can make another one!



  1. These look so pretty! Love them!

  2. Aw honey you have the best DIY ideas :) Love how it's in a teacup. And Elle's si so sweet, lovely.

    M xx

  3. Can this be any cuter? Such a lovely idea :)

  4. you have just the loveliest little things, and i love this diy idea! how cute!

    lindsey louise

  5. Hey you shares some nice ideas for how to build a incredible Tree House, but most significant thing is you use some creativity in your thoughts.



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