Friday 16 August 2013

A future project

I have been brainstorming and planning little projects for the last few weeks. I wanted to try and do something with my photography other than shoots. I had the idea of an ebook where i will share photography tips, how to set up shoots, inspiration and little tasks for people to create their own photoshoots. I also thought i might offer one to one help/email advise along side the ebook.  It is an exciting time right now. I am at the beginning of another exciting project and i will also be doing a weekly guest post on a very lovely blog!

Things seem to be coming together and i wanted to push myself and also throw myself into a few things that i can work towards and concentrate on. I was wondering if anyone would be interested in an ebook? I am not looking to make it very expensive. I just thought about what i could offer and i have spent years gaining the inspiration and skills i need in photography and wanted to share what i can and help others. It wouldn't be an ebook to teach you how to use your camera, for example. It would be more about how to look for inspiration, giving tasks to go out and do and tips on how i shoot. I am hoping to start really soon, once i have everything organised and planned what i want to share. So yes, is this something anyone would be interested in? It's a little scary to put something out there for others to buy and use but i don't think you will get anywhere in life if you don't do the things that scare you!


  1. Sounds a great idea lovely, I love your photography. x

  2. This sounds super exciting! <3

    Jennie xo |

  3. Sounds fantastic. And I would love to see some of your photo tips. The book is a great idea.

    Heidi’s Wanderings

  4. It sounds interesting, I would love to read your tips!

  5. I would love to learn more about photography

  6. Your idea of a book sounds just perfect my dear K :) I know it will be lovely and i can't wait to see your idea come to life. x



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