Wednesday 19 June 2013

Trusting my instincts

Last year, i wrote a post about how Mia doesn't sleep. She would go to bed at 7 and wake again around 11 and then again around 1 or 2 and that would be her awake for the day. On average, i was getting around 2 hours sleep per night. I became seriously sleep deprived and really struggled during the days. I had no idea why Mia was waking up. I had a lot of people tell me to just leave her in bed and let her cry it out. I just didn't feel like i could do that with her and now, with hindsight, i am so glad i didn't.

I had noticed, since she was born, that Mia's hands and feet turn purple and blue very quickly. This past winter, Mia's legs and arms were turning dark purple and were starting to swell. I thought it was just because she was cold and i wanted to see how it would be as it got warmer. The weather improved but the purpleness didn't go away. I took her to the doctors and he asked us to send in blown up print outs of the photographs of her arms and legs so he could send them to a specialist at the hospital. We then got an appointment with a pediatrician and took her last thursday for her appointment. We were told that Mia hasa condition called Vasomotor instability and overactive blood vessels. This means that she cannot control her body temperature.  In a way, i am very relieved that this is something that we can control and help her with and not something very serious such as a heart problem. This is the reason why she didn't sleep all those nights. I feel awful that i didn't realise. I am just glad that i didn't leave her like people told me too. Even the health visitor told me to leave her be and let her settle herself. I knew there was more to it and i am so glad i listened to my instincts and kept bringing her in with us because that warmth of being between me and her daddy meant that she got to sleep and her body managed to warm itself up.

It's going to be hard for her in the colder nights. We are now going to start collecting fleece onesies and i will try and prepare ourselves for when it starts to get colder. We have cold nights 9 months out of the year so it's going to be an on going thing for her. It makes me just want to pack everything up and move us somewhere warmer. We have friends in Australia and i would love to move our little family there but i am such a family girl and unless our whole family would come with us, i don't think it will happen any time soon.

I am just so glad that i trusted my instincts. Its too easy to get caught up in other peoples advice and doubting yourself as a mother. I knew there was something that wasn't right and, now we know about her condition, we are more prepared and we can just give her extra warm cuddles when it starts to get cold.


  1. Awww poor little Mia! I'm so glad you have found out what is causing it now though and you can help. Well done on trusting your instincts too, it can be very hard to do when everyone is always so ready with advice when it comes to parenting.


    1. Thanks Rosie. Yes it can be hard to do as everyone has their opinions. Even though i did listen to my instincts and didn't leave her, i keep thinking about what if i HAD listened and left her to cry when she really needed me. I hate the whole cry it out idea as babies cry for a reason. They are too young to cry and mess about just for attention x

  2. Now you know what it is you can sit down and plan what to do next. :) Advice is always helpful but its your choices that make you the person you are. You did what you felt was best and no one can fualt you for that.

    Oh and don't move to Oz! Id miss you too much.x

    1. thank you dear. Oh we wont be going i am sure, it just makes me want to go ha x

  3. It's great that you figured out what the problem is! It should be so much easier going forward. She's so lucky to have you, and that you're a proactive problem solver!

    1. that is so lovely of you, thank you. It feels good to know that i didn't fail her. x

  4. Sending lots of hugs to little Mia (and you - nothing beats a mother's instinct)
    Australia is nice and warm - and the fairies are sweet too :o)

  5. This is a really touching story Keri-Anne and Mia is lucky to have a Mum who is instinctive. We just know when something isn't quite right as a Mum, we're their closest companion, their protector and we feel guilt when we know they are suffering. I think you're right, listening to other's isn't always helpful, it's best to be selective and in your case Mia's mum knows best without a doubt xxx

    1. thank you Stacy. Yes, i am so very glad i listened to myself. When people are putting their opinions on you, it can be so hard to stick with yourself and tell them that their opinions are wrong. I very nearly caved and people kept telling me she was messing me about and playing up and it will just make things worse but i knew in my heart and now i am so relieved x

  6. Hi sweetie, really pleased they gave you some answers and that it makes sense of things gone by too. Always helpful when that happens, reaffirming of your concern and intuition.
    I hope there are steps that you can take that help Mia and her circulation.
    I love this photo of her, such a tiny fairy, much loved.

    Love n light kat x



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